
7 Best Firefox Add-ons Every College Student Should Have

7 Best Firefox Add-ons Every College Student Should Have
Whether you are researching an essay, submitting an assignment, or simply browsing Facebook, modern college students spend hours each day using the internet. Surprisingly, however, many students are still using their browser’s default configuration. In today’s post, we explore seven of the most important browser add-ons for Firefox. Adblocker Plus This is almost always the ...

Have You Faced The Flinch?

Have You Faced The Flinch?
As Julien Smith explains in his excellent book, we all have basic instincts to protect against certain dangers. When a baby stops themselves from falling or an adult hits the brakes to avoid a potential accident, this impulse, or flinch, helps us intuitively avoid injury. Like many things, this flinch can be both a friend ...

7 Ways To Recover Quickly From Exercise

7 Ways To Recover Quickly From Exercise
Maintaining a good exercise schedule will help you study more productively, remember more, and feel better. To fully achieve these benefits, though, you must actually do a bit more than simply exercise. While the act of exercising is definitely necessary to bring about these benefits, the supporting activities before and after will determine how much ...

5 Keys To Doing The Impossible

5 Keys To Doing The Impossible
As much as you plan and work to avoid time crunches, they will come.  Your car will break down, your alarm clock will malfunction, or your computer will crash. Just when you think you are prepared for every possibility, the impossible will hit you. Thankfully, even the worst setback or temporary defeat does not necessitate ...

Five Reasons To Learn a Second Language Today

Five Reasons To Learn a Second Language Today
In the United States, many high schools require at least two years of foreign language study for graduation. Unfortunately, most students fulfill this requirement without actually learning enough of the language to carry on more than the most basic of conversations. While this definitely is useful and can occasionally come in handy, actually becoming fairly ...

3 Easy Ways To Sell Your Clutter Today 1

3 Easy Ways To Sell Your Clutter Today
Despite our best efforts to the contrary, material goods seem to accumulate with alarming speed. That empty bookcase we thought we might need plus the well-meant but untouched cutting board from last Christmas soon begin to encroach on our limited living space. Thankfully, this problem can actually be turned into a blessing. By selling these ...

How To Become Passionate About Anything 1

How To Become Passionate About Anything
In our world, many college students are told to focus on finding their “passion”. It’s almost like you are expected to be born with a genetic enjoyment of some particular career – if only you can discover it. On the contrary, I would contend that “passions” – or areas of particular interest – should be ...

Dealing With a Missed Deadline

Dealing With a Missed Deadline
Despite your best efforts at meeting deadlines, your worst nightmare will eventually come true. You will miss a deadline. Before you pull into your shell as the world comes crashing down around your ears, take a good look at your options. As bad as the outlook may seem, you would be surprised at how fast ...

10 Life Habits Every Student Should Form

10 Life Habits Every Student Should Form
College is a time of learning and growth, but it is also a time of change. As the transition time between childhood and adulthood, you will likely be changing substantially during your college years. Because of this, college is the perfect time to form good habits that you might not already have. While the knowledge ...

Do You Fall For These 7 Popular College Myths?

Do You Fall For These 7 Popular College Myths?
Most new college students have developed their own ideas of what college will be like. Often, however, these assumptions – based primarily on hearsay – are found to be incorrect when examined closely. By learning the truth about what to expect, you will be better able to adjust to this new and exciting period of ...