U.S. burglary suspect arrested after he left his wallet at crime scene


U.S. burglary suspect arrested after he left his wallet at crime scene

Police say the arrested a robbery suspect after a wallet was left behind at the crime scene.

Photograph by: Alexandra Straub , PROVINCE

DALLAS — Authorities say a teenager who burglarized a Dallas police officer’s apartment, taking his service weapon and ammunition, was apprehended after he lost his wallet as he fled.

Police reports say two witnesses chased 18-year-old Adrian Jimmerson when he was seen Feb. 13 carrying a pillowcase full of items. The suspect dropped the pillowcase as he jumped a fence, but his pants ripped and his wallet fell to the ground. A school identification card also was found. Jimmerson was arrested the next day.

He was being held Tuesday at the Dallas County jail on a charge of burglary of a habitation, with a bond of $10,000. A phone message left with his public defender, Frank Douglas, was not immediately returned.

Police say the arrested a robbery suspect after a wallet was left behind at the crime scene.

Police say the arrested a robbery suspect after a wallet was left behind at the crime scene.

Photograph by: Alexandra Straub, PROVINCE


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