Bring CounterSpin to Your Station

  • CounterSpin isn't on a station near me. What can I do?
  • I want to bring CounterSpin to my radio station. What should I do?

We rely on listeners and supporters of the show to help spread the word. If you'd like to hear CounterSpin on a station in your area, call them and let them know. Tell them that CounterSpin is available every week on the Public Radio Satellite System (Fridays at noon Eastern Time, A71.5M). For stations that don't have satellite equipment, we'll mail out compact discs of the show every week.

The cost for the show is $240 per year-- just over $4.00 per show. A sliding scale is available for stations that are unable to pay the full amount.

Contact Peter Hart [phart (at) fair (dot) org], CounterSpin's Distribution Director, to get some sample copies of the show.

CounterSpin can also help with your station's fundraising drives. We offer 5 free, one-year subscriptions to Extra!, FAIR's print magazine. The subscriptions make a great premium for a number of our stations.