Cetrimide - Drug Information

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Latest prescription information about Cetrimide. Learn how to pronounce the drug's name, its indications, dosage, how to take, when to take, when not to take, side effects, special precautions, its storage instructions and warnings if any when taken during pregnancy. Also listed are the International and Indian trade name(s) of the drug and its price list.
Generic Name : Cetrimide

Therapeutic Classification : Antiseptics

ICD Code : Y56.0
Trade Name(s): 
India :  More...

Why it is prescribed (Indications) : This medication is a skin antiseptic and disinfectant prescribed for seborrhoeic dermatitis and wound cleansing. The cream has a bactericidal activity against gram-positive bacteria and incompatible with soaps and other anionic surfactants. 

When it is not to be taken (Contraindications): Contraindicated in patients known hypersensitivity.

Dosage & When it is to be taken : Wound cleansing - Topical : Adult: Apply 0.1-1% aqueous solution or 0.5% cream onto affected area.
Seborrhoeic dermatitis - Topical : Adult: Apply 10% shampoo solution onto the scalp.

How it should be taken : It comes as a cream applied over the affected area as directed by your physician.

Warnings and Precautions :  Excessive usage may increase the risk of allergic reactions.
Avoid contact with eyes, middle ear, meninges, brain, body cavities.
Consult with your doctor before using this medication.
Caution needed for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
For external use only.

Side Effects : Oral:Nausea, vomiting, digestive problems and death of body tissue.
Topical:Skin irritation, redness of the skin, rarely burns.

Other Precautions :  Avoid excess dosage.

Storage Conditions : Store in a cool, dry and dark place.

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wether astringent is come under the category of medicine or not
drssingh  Friday, September 13, 2013

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