Study shows spanking babies is surprisingly common

Study shows spanking babies is surprisingly common

A study out of the University of Michigan showed nearly 30 percent of children 12 months or younger had been spanked by a parent in the last month.

Mindfulness: A fad or a life-changing coping skill?

Mindfulness: A fad or a life-changing coping skill?

Research suggests that the practice can help reduce stress, anxiety and other ills — but it is not a cure-all.

I became a stay at home mom, and I admit it.

I became a stay at home mom, and I admit it.

At first it was hard to admit that I had become a stay at home mom. Why was that conversation so awkward?

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Mr. Peabody and Sherman’

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Mr. Peabody and Sherman’

Movie reviews with kids in mind: This week, an animated comedy about a brilliant dog and his boy.

Supernanny Jo Frost on taming your toddler’s temper

Supernanny Jo Frost on taming your toddler’s temper

Jo Frost’s latest book offers solutions to the most common struggles parents have with toddlers, from bedtime battles to picky eating.


Laura Overdeck on getting kids interested in math

Laura Overdeck, the founder of Bedtime Math, a Web site that provides a daily math problem to solve with your child, will take questions about how to get kids excited about math.

Goodnight Nanny-Cam: A Parody for Modern Parents

Goodnight Nanny-Cam: A Parody for Modern Parents

The latest in the children’s book parodies, a perfect gift for new parents. If we can’t laugh at ourselves...

What the proposed ABLE Act would mean for parents of children with disabilities

What the proposed ABLE Act would mean for parents of children with disabilities

The bill would allow individuals with disabilities or their families to open a tax-sheltered savings account to pay for certain long-term expenses.

New Web site Bedtime Math adds calculation to the nighttime routine

New Web site Bedtime Math adds calculation to the nighttime routine

Laura Overdeck wants math to become as much of a tradition as the bedtime story.

Books to help inspire a love of math

Books to help inspire a love of math

Erin Barker of Hooray for Books! in Alexandria recommends some of her favorite math-based children’s books.

Bob Dorough on ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ and making math fun

Bob Dorough on ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ and making math fun

We spoke with Bob Dorough about his music for ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ and turning math facts into something fun.

Math can be a tough sell. Here’s how to make it fun for kids.

Math can be a tough sell. Here’s how to make it fun for kids.

Lots of perefctly smart parents are cowed by math. How can they avoid passing their trepidation to their kids?

Discovering a major family secret

Discovering a major family secret

She discovered late in life she was conceived so her father could avoid the draft. Now what?

Snow days: distractions to get you through

Snow days: distractions to get you through

It’s been a longer winter than we anticipated. We are almost through. Right?

Is it normal to be turned off by sex after giving birth?

‘Bumpology’ answers such awkward questions. Also: Changing attitudes about drugs.

How to keep a family running when you’re injured

How to keep a family running when you’re injured

It’s common enough that we should think about it more: How do you keep a family running when you are injured?

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Non-Stop’ and ‘3 Days to Kill’

Movie reviews with kids in mind: This week, a pair of action thrillers starring Liam Neeson and Kevin Costner.

Please, Oscars, ‘Let It Go’ before bedtime

Please, Oscars, ‘Let It Go’ before bedtime

I asked the Academy if they’d tell me when Idina Menzel would perform at the Oscars. They said, basically, “Actually, we’re not.” But this is what we need.

Kids, divorce and therapy

Kids, divorce and therapy

They may need a little professional help to get through a tough time. And, Mom, don’t forget about yourself.


First lady announces new wellness guidelines

First lady announces new wellness guidelines

First lady Michelle Obama marked the fourth anniversary of her Let's Move Campaign at the White House on Tuesday.

When it comes to shedding baby weight, what is realistic?

When it comes to shedding baby weight, what is realistic?

The chatter about how people who were ridiculously thin to begin with are ridiculously thin again just weeks after giving birth is another example of how celebrities are an unrealistic—and often unhealthy—influence on women when it comes to body image.

Recline, don’t ‘Lean In’ (Why I hate Sheryl Sandberg)

Recline, don’t ‘Lean In’ (Why I hate Sheryl Sandberg)

A foreign policy expert says asking women to juggle demanding careers and the demands of home will disproportionately push them out of the workplace.

How to choose a backyard play set for your child

How to choose a backyard play set for your child

HANDY GUIDE | Materials, amenities and price tag are three major issues to consider when buying a playset.

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘The Wind Rises’

Movie reviews with kids in mind: This week, an Oscar-nominated animated feature from Hayao Miyazaki.

When is it okay to tell a parent how to parent?

When can you ever tell a parent that maybe they need some help, well, parenting? Can you?


Parenting advice: Help for raising children of all ages

Family Almanac columnist Marguerite Kelly discussed the ups and downs of parenting, and tips for helping children through challenging times.


Parenting advice: 'All Joy and No Fun' author

Jennifer Senior is a contributing editor at New York Magazine and author of 'All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood.'

The real Olympics battle? Fighting the tears during these commercials.

Olympics commercials are killing us. Here’s the latest. Thanks P&G.

The summer camp craziness

Summer camp is months away, but I found myself registering for it in January.


How mothers can have joy and fun

Olympian mom shows that parenthood doesn’t need to be a zero-sun game.

Parenting accomplishment: We made it to church with our toddler.

Parenting accomplishment: We made it to church with our toddler.

Church seems like such a simple thing. Not so when there’s a child in tow.

5 ways to take care of your marriage when your child has special needs

5 ways to take care of your marriage when your child has special needs

That 80 percent divorce rate for parents of kids with autism is an urban legend. But raising a child with special needs can present extra challenges. Here’s how to work around them.

Ready, set, crawl! Babies race for Manassas Mall gold

Ready, set, crawl! Babies race for Manassas Mall gold

WMZQ’s Diaper Derby featured children under 14 months old in a race on their hands and knees.

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Robocop,’ ‘Endless Love’

Movie reviews with kids in mind. This week, a remake of the 1987 action thriller and a teen romance.

Bill de Blasio kept NYC schools open; was he right?

Bill de Blasio kept NYC schools open; was he right?

Bill de Blasio kept schools open today. People are angry, but maybe he’s right.

Snow day again. How’s your day so far?

Snow day again. How’s your day so far?

So how’s your day going so far? This is what’s up at my house. Probably not too dissimilar in your world.

The 4 easiest Valentine’s Day food ideas for kids

The 4 easiest Valentine’s Day food ideas for kids

Some Valentine’s Day recipes just say they’re really easy to do. These actually are.

Snow day again? Bring it, Mother Nature!

Snow day, schmo day. Yeah, we’re sick of it, but let’s try to enjoy it.

A round-up of recent parenting books

Recent releases cover everything from teaching social skills to talking about sex to balancing work and home responsibilities.

Young teachers showing higher quality, more enthusiasm

Newcomers are not only more academically successful, they also view test-oriented results differently

Loving the Olympics for the teachable moments big and small

Loving the Olympics for the teachable moments big and small

From getting up when you fall down to it being okay to make mistakes, the Sochi games are full of life lessons to share with kids.

Tearing up during the #thankyoumom Olympics commercials?

Tear-inducing commercials during the Olympics hit home for all parents, not just the elite Olympians.

Philip Seymour Hoffman: When to talk to kids about substance abuse

Philip Seymour Hoffman: When to talk to kids about substance abuse

With Hoffman’s death, kids may be wondering what happened. Now is the time to talk.

Family Filmgoer

Movie reviews with kids in mind. This week, “The Lego Movie” has laughs for parents and children.


Do kids make parents unhappy?

Do kids make parents unhappy?

A review of “All Joy and No Fun.”

All Joy and No Fun: A conversation with Jennifer Senior

Jennifer Senior, author of All Joy and No Fun, talks about her popular new book, and why parents are doing okay.


What’s so bad about just being Mommy?

What’s so bad about just being Mommy?

In her new memoir, “Glitter and Glue,” Kelly Corrigan builds on her brand as a proud suburban mother.

Tired of playing pretend with her imaginative toddler

Tired of playing pretend with her imaginative toddler

Her toddler wants to play pretend every day. But mom and dad are a little weary of it all.

What Jolene Ivey’s day looks like

What Jolene Ivey’s day looks like

Ivey’s schedule for a recent day of home, campaign and legislative session activities.

Jolene Ivey’s stress-busting tips

Jolene Ivey’s stress-busting tips

Maryland delegate and mom of five boys talks about how she stays sane.