Macospol Resources: Instruments - History and Technology of Sciences

A catalogue of medieval...
history, science, technology, medieval, astronomical, instruments, star, heaven, islamic, european, astrolabe
$IF(18==1, ,
Adler planetarium (Webs...
history, science, technology, astronomical, instrument, star, heaven, name, astronomer, database
Catalogo degli stumenti...
history, science, technology, instruments, physics, natural science, natural history
EPACT : Scientific inst...
history, science, technology, medieval, instruments, european, middle ages, artifacts, photograph, museum, exhibit
Historical Collections ...
Historical Scientific I...
history, physics, astronomy, instruments, teaching, science, technology, university
Instrument catalogue, D...
history, science, technology, astronomical, instrument, star, heaven, name, astronomer, database, astrolabe, sun dial
Instruments Mathematiqu...
history, science, technology, astronomical, instrument, star, heaven, name, astronomer, database
Inventaire des Instrume...
history, science, technology, instrument, physics, natural science, scientific, fluid, statics, measure, mechanics
Kinematic Models for De...
history, science, technology, mechanical, teaching, model, kinematics, geometry, cornell, collection, gallery, museum
National Maritime Museu...
history, science, technology, maritime, instrument, navigation, astronomical, navigation, isntrument, chart, map, art, ship
Online Register Of Scie...
history, science, technology, instrument, physics, natural science, scientific, fluid, statics, measure, mechanics
Patrimoine de l'astrono...
Scientifc Instrument Mu...
history, science, technology, instruments, physics, natural science, natural history
Scientific Instrument C...
history, science, technology, instrument, physics, natural science, scientific, fluid, statics, measure, mechanics, museum, library, exhibit
Smithsonian Institution...
history, science, technology, instrument, landscape, geodetic, surveying, museum, display, maker
The Astrolabe
history, astronomy, star, sailing, photograph, map
The Astrolabe : an onli...
history, science, technology, astronomical, instrument, star, heaven, name, astronomer, database, astrolabe

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