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 English Press Release for Senate Taiwan Caucus

For immediate release                                                                        September 17, 2003


On September 17, 2003, during a festive reception in the U.S. Capitol, the United states Senate Taiwan Caucus was established.

Founding members of the caucus are: Senators George Allen (R-VA - co-chair), Tim Johnson (D-SD - co-chair), Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Richard Durbin (D-IL), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), Kit Bond (R-MO), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and James Inhofe (R-OK).

During remarks presented at the founding reception, Caucus co-chair Senator Allen stated:  "We kick this STC off with a strong start." In a reference to the PRC's continued blocking of Taiwan's participation in the WHO, he added: "Unfortunately there are those who are paranoid and do not let Taiwan into the WHO despite the recent SARS situation." He concluded: "Taiwan is a vibrant and freedom loving society and will continue to grow. Taiwan must continue to be a land of free people. And we must continue to strengthen these ties. Together our countries stand for freedom and justice."

Co-chair Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) added: "It is an honor for me to co-chair this new Senate Taiwan Caucus. It is exciting to see the blossoming of democracy in Taiwan. It is inspiring to see that Taiwan has become a model around the world of an democratic and economic power. The world is a better place because what you have done with Taiwan." He concluded his remarks with saying that: "This relationship between the US and Taiwan will continue to grow."

Caucus founding member Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) closed the kick-off reception by stating: "Taiwan is a special case that needs to have a Caucus. Taiwan is a major player in the world today - a miracle that we have watched in awe. And I am proud to be a founding member of this caucus. Let's move forward and work towards solving problems."

On April 10, 2002, 85 House members formed the House Congressional Taiwan Caucus. It currently boasts a membership of 123 members, and has been rated as the fastest growing caucus in the U.S. Congress.

Ming-chi Wu, Ph.D. President of FAPA states: "The House Caucus proved to be a very effective instrument to boost the visibility of Taiwan on Capitol Hill. We at FAPA have equal high expectations of the effectiveness of the Senate Taiwan Caucus."

Wu continues: "From the Taiwan Relations Act in 1979 to the present, Congress has been very supportive of Taiwan. However, the establishment of the Senate Taiwan Caucus provides another vital communication channel that will allow the aspirations of the Taiwanese people to have an even clearer, louder voice."

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