

Big Trouble in Farmville

Melting glaciers and superstorms won't matter if the world can't feed itself. 

Richard Schiffman |


Spies, Swaps, and Sins of Omission

Five ways to tell the Middle East peace process is in big trouble.

Aaron David Miller |


The Big Chill

The United States and its allies have imposed stinging sanctions on Russia. To make them work, they need to hold fast.

William B. Taylor |


From Détente to Meltdown

Will Russian adventurism in Crimea blow up the P5+1 nuclear talks? Iran's hard-liners sure hope so.

Daniel Brumberg |


No Country for Young Men

A generation of Lost Boys returned home to build a new nation in South Sudan. Now war has found them again.

Timothy D. May |


Another Kind of Surge

How the United States can pull Sudan and South Sudan back from the brink of disaster.

John Prendergast |


Confronting Ghosts

France convicts a Rwandan of genocide -- and grapples with its own role in the horrific events of 1994.

Anna Polonyi |


Boots on the Ground

Should NATO troops help enforce an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement?

William J. Durch |


The New Tyranny

How development experts have empowered dictators and helped to trap millions and millions of people in poverty.

William Easterly |


Unarmed and Dangerous

With civilian rape on the rise, the war on Congo's women comes painfully, pervasively home.

Lauren Wolfe |


No Contest

Obama gambled that U.S. power would trump Russia's interests in Ukraine. He was wrong.

Stephen M. Walt |


America Has a Plan. And, No, It Isn't One That Israel Would Like.

New poll shows that if the two-state solution collapses, U.S. public favors democracy over Jewishness.

Shibley Telhami |


NATO Needs to Move Now on Crimea

Action may provoke -- but so does doing nothing.

James Stavridis |



African asylum-seekers are done keeping quiet about the Israeli government's failure to help them. But is anyone listening?

Camilla Schick |


'Definitely Going to Blow'

Is Africa's hermit kingdom heading toward a military coup?

Michela Wrong |


Icebergs Ahead

The interim nuclear deal with Iran was huge -- but a permanent solution is going to be much, much harder to reach.

Thomas Omestad |


Bosnia Burning

Is the war-traumatized, fractured, and corrupt Balkan state finally experiencing a political revolution?    

Harriet Salem |


Streetfighting Men

Is Ukraine’s government bankrolling a secret army of Adidas-clad thugs?

Harriet Salem |


Rand Paul Is Right

The United States needs to officially end the Iraq war -- or else acknowledge that it’s waging an endless and unwinnable fight.

Emile Simpson |


Trading Places

How the trade vs. aid debate shows the different trajectories of Egypt and Tunisia.    

Caroline Freund |


Palestine's Peace Bomb

What will happen when one million refugees have the right to return -- to the West Bank?

Steven J. Rosen |


Mercury Rising

Can opposition leaders contain protest violence in Ukraine—or is the country headed for “prolonged guerrilla warfare”?

Harriet Salem |


With Negotiators Like These...

Peace talks won't solve the crisis in South Sudan. Africa-style justice will.

George B.N. Ayittey |


On Target

Could discussing humanitarian issues lead to disaster at the Geneva II talks?

Steven Heydemann |


A Bittersweet Legacy

Remembering a popular restaurateur killed in Kabul—and a policy of segregation that humiliated local Afghans.

Farhad Peikar |


Cut Short

The latest threat to international peacekeeping is political warfare in Washington.

Michel Gabaudan |


Media That Moves Millions

Social media may be protesters' favorite weapon, but new research on Syria's revolution shows it can do as much harm as good.

Sheldon Himelfarb |


'We Want to Move On'

What do Egyptians really care about in their country's constitutional referendum? Not the constitution, for starters.

Manal Omar |


Something Rotten in the State of Denmark

How one of the world’s major shipping companies is hindering the fight against world hunger.

John Norris |


Terms of Endurance

Can South Sudan reach a peace deal that will actually last?

Princeton N. Lyman |