

Having a gifted or 2e teenager can add a whole new layer of complication to parenting.

Are they being ‘typical’ teens, or is this existential depression?  What is ‘normal’ for a gifted or 2e teen? How do I homeschool them when they are way beyond me in their academics? Should you let them go to college early? How early? Which college? If your child does not have a formal high school diploma, how can you get them into college? How do homeschooled children perform in advanced educational settings at any age? What if your child does not want to go to college right now? Do they have to go to college to succeed in life, and if not, what are some alternatives? What if they aren’t ready to live on their own yet? How do they deal with asynchrony in college and at work? Browse through these articles for more insight into these complicated issues.



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