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Country analysis

Country analysis

Labour challenges

South Africa - The risk of strikes will remain high, exacerbated by the political power of the trade unions.

Climate-change alarm

World - A new report from the IPCC clarifies the potential impact of climate change, but policymakers are unlikely to respond.

Latin America remains silent on Venezuela crisis

Latin America - Most countries are seeking to remain disengaged, even though economic crisis in Venezuela would have a regional impact.

Risk analysis

Risk analysis

Erdogan triumphant

Turkey - WEBCAST: After months of uncertainty, the ruling AKP, led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, secured a clear victory in the municipal polls.

Operational risk ratings review

World - Five up and six down in March, with the USA seeing a strengthening in its risk profile, but Venezuela and especially Libya downgraded.

Credit risk

UAE - We have upgraded sovereign risk to BBB, given the strength of the economic recovery and the progress made in debt restructuring since 2009.

Industry analysis

Industry analysis

Going in via the net

India - Retail - The UK's Arcadia announces plans to circumvent bricks and mortar regulation in India with an online route to market.

Key player – CNOOC Ltd

China - Oil and gas - CNOOC's finances are worsening, but the company seems fixated with growth at all costs.

Stress test results

USA - Banking - Almost all US lenders passed tests over base capital. They would survive, but only just, in a severe future crisis.

Reports, Webinars and Podcasts

The Economist Insights

Cyber incident response

Are business leaders ready?

The challenge of speed: Education

Education: Pressure to change quickly from above and below

UAE Economic Vision

Women in science, technology and engineering

Wasted youth?

A series of EIU articles examining the role of business in tackling youth unemployment in the UK

Custom solutions

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AUDIO EIU Global outlook 19 March 2014

March 24th 2014
Runtime: 15:29
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