PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - stop the socialist pledge and the socialist salute to flag.
Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward Pledge of Allegiance video

Pledge of Allegiance to the flag The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).

Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism and the police state in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany. They influenced the NSDAP, its dogma, symbols and rituals.
The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").

Join William Gobitas & Lillian Gobitas (Gobitis)
Pledge of Allegiance Gobitas Gobitis William & Lillian
Lillian Gobitas & William Gobitas (Gobitis)


This website helps students in government schools to stop robotic chants of the pledge of allegiance and the salute to the flag, and to end all government school policy for it, and to end government schools (socialist schools). Rewards are given to students who join the heroic youngsters William and Lillian Gobitas, who at age 10 and 12 respectively, fifth and seventh grade students in government schools, refused to stand and pledge allegiance to the flag.  They defied the socialist pledge because it deifies government.  Although they lost before the U.S. Supreme Court in Minersville School District v. Gobitis, 310 U.S. 586 (1940), they were vindicated 3 years later when the court reversed itself. Even so, they fled the government schools due to the persecution caused by the pledge.  Continue the great work that the Gobitas youngsters did not finish: end the socialist salute and pledge to the flag.

The identities of students with the courage to participate are protected due to the Pledge's long history of persecution, violence and even lynchings. In the past, some children were even removed from their parents for refusing the robotic ritualism. For more information contact

To this day, millions of innocent children are victimized by mindlessly mumbling in mechanical worship of government inside government schools. Please help. Stop the politicians and the peer pressure. If not you, who? If not now, when? See video

Support the "STOP THE PLEDGE" Campaign and help educate politicians, pundits & teachers about the Pledge, its author and his ilk. 

Peer Pressure Articles, Definitions, facts, statistics, drugs

Students are monetarily rewarded for refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It is a story that remains a secret to the media (so far). News outlets have reported that students are rejecting the Pledge's robotic ritualism in many cities, including Meriden, Connecticut; Gorham, Maine; and Woodbury, Vermont (see links to those news stories below). Those are all areas where students have received awards from a web site that exposes the unreported history of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Also see

The web page "Stop The Pledge" is part of a public interest group that has, for years, advertised a standing offer to pay students in government schools to stop chanting the pledge. It says "take the pledge not to pledge." The website is supported by donations.

The media are under enormous peer pressure to repeat propaganda about the pledge, and so far, the media give-in to the pressure. Most people in the media attended government schools.

The site provides educations to students about topics that they will not learn in government schools, especially concerning government and the Pledge of Allegiance.
See the video on Youtube at

The site argues that government schools will not show students historic photographs of pupils performing the early stiff-arm salute. The site displays many such historic photographs.

The site also offers to pay students (and anyone) to find more historic photographs and video of America's stiff-arm salute.

It asserts that the Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the straight-arm gesture adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party. The site asserts that Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge in 1892) and his cousin Edward Bellamy were both self proclaimed socialists in the nationalism movement and that they influenced the NSGWP's dogma, symbolism and rituals. The site states that the stiff-arm salute was not an ancient Roman salute (a popular myth) and that the myth originated from the American pledge. 

The web site urges students to join William and Lillian Gobitas, who at age 10 and 12 respectively, fifth and seventh grade students in government schools, refused to stand and pledge allegiance to the flag.  

The Pledge has a long history of persecution, violence and even lynchings, according to the site, and some children were even removed from their parents for defying the pledge. 

No students would chant the pledge if they schools told the truth about its past, according to the site.

The website encourages any students having an interest (and anyone else) to contact

Meriden, Connecticut

Gorham, Maine

Woodbury, Vermont

Popular propaganda about Francis Bellamy and the Pledge is a shallow whitewash describing how the Pledge was used to make money while putting government flags in government schools for the robotic ritual. It is fitting that the Pledge can end in a similar manner: rewarding people to stop the mechanical chanting to flags in government schools.


Distribute & post photos from this website of the students reciting the original pledge.  The salute changed, but it is still a socialist pledge and socialist salute.
Organize school debates about ending the socialist pledge.
If your local school board begins with the Pledge of Allegiance, attend meetings and ask them to stop, explain its history and distrubute early photographs. If the pledge is recited in local schools, then ask the  local school board to also stop the pledge in local schools.
Reenact debates as they might have been when the Gobitas youngsters refused to pledge in 1935.
Request removal of flags so that schools are the way they used to be. Schools are for education, not for glorifying government and socialism.
Start a petition at government schools to end the practice and return to the original practice of no pledge.
Write a better pledge - have a contest. write a pledge for teachers to recite to students while students remain seated.
Do a report on the myth of "socialization" - in government schools the socialization is bad, bad, bad, and the Gobitas youngsters suffered.
Write a play in which 2 people reenact the Gobitas youngsters' refusal & their persecution by the government and in government schools.
Reenact & explain the different types of salutes and pledges that have been forced upon children in government schools in the U.S.
Do research and try to find old photos of the pledge and share them with rex AT
Research the court case Minersville School Board v. Gobitas (1940) and West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette (1943)
Research whether the U.S. is the only country with a pledge and salute to a flag in government schools?  Why the bizarre socialism?
Write a report about why socialists create collective pledges and salutes for children in government schools.
Write an essay about the socialist pledge and salute and submit it to school and to for publication.
Do what the Gobitas youngsters did: leave the government schools (socialized schools) and use the many better alternatives.

Pledging an issue at local schools   By: Andrew Perlot, Record-Journal staff   12/10/2008 Meriden Connecticutt

When the Pledge of Allegiance comes over Maloney High School's loud speaker every morning, junior Jordan Taylor often finds himself one of only a handful of students along with the homeroom teacher standing with his hand over his heart, reciting the words that have been drilled into the heads of every student since elementary school.

"Some people mock (the pledge) or try to be funny," he said. "But I think if you live here you should stand."

Whether because they disagree with the wars the United States is waging overseas, they don't like the inclusion of God, or because they just don't want to, numerous students described an atmosphere in Meriden's two high schools, and to a lesser degree in surrounding districts, in which participating in the pledge is not the norm.

While Taylor and a few other students stand, the rest off his class is often seated, noisy, and occasionally mocking towards the country's official pledge, Taylor said.
When several dozen Platt High School students were asked about the morning pledge as they walked home af-ter school on Coe Avenue last week, almost all of them said that they didn't participate.

Some teachers force their students to stand and be quiet even if they're not going to say the pledge.

"We stand up, but I don't usually say it," said a sophomore "I don't think it's that big of a deal."

With the country mired in two overseas wars and numerous other problems, another sophomore said that he lived in a "messed up country," and that he didn't want to pledge to its flag.

"The government is wrong," he said.
Because she is an atheist, a freshman student said her reason for not pledging is the inclusion of "under god," in the pledge, which was added by a Congress eager to differentiate the country from atheist communists during the Cold War.

President Dwight D. signed the change into law 1954 after listening to a sermon by Rev. George MacPherson Docherty, who was pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church near the White House in Washington D.C. Docherty believed the power of the country should emanate not from its nuclear arsenal, but from the spirit of its people.

For other students, the pledge is just not worth their time.
"I'm just lazy, to tell you the truth," said senior Thomas Medina.

Written in 1892, the Pledge of Allegiance's robotic chanting and stiff-arm salute spread with help from patriotic groups in the 1920s, prominent among them the Ku Klux Klan.

John Benton Bellamy (son of Francis Bellamy, author of the Pledge of Allegiance) was graduated from Harvard with the class of 1904 and President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a classmate. Berkeley Daily Gazette - Jun 14, 1944

A Vow Of Independence -- Some Students Resist Practice Of Saying Pledge Of Allegiance Daily
By Nancy Montgomery  Seattle Times Snohomish County Bureau March 31, 1999, excerpts from story -
       It might look like adolescent goofiness, but when Mariner High School students perform a Nazi salute, pound their chests or improvise words during the Pledge of Allegiance, it's actually a protest, they say.
      A daily pledge to the flag and to the republic for which it stands roboticizes them and is an affront to their intellectual independence, the students say.
       "It's like a brainwashing technique," said student Sheila King. "You can't pound someone into patriotism."
       King is no ordinary malcontent. She's the Mariner student-body president and swim-team captain. She takes Advanced Placement classes and gets very good grades.
       But sometimes she stays in her seat during the pledge, refusing to participate, along with several other students in her class.
       King has become the driving force behind an effort at her Mukilteo school to stop saying the pledge daily, as a little-known state law mandates. King is asking the School Board to ask state officials to waive daily recitation and to allow Mariner students to return to a weekly pledge, as they did until this year.
       In the meantime at Mariner High School, students who do make a scene - by making a straight-arm salute or saluting the chalkboard, or
saying "one nation, under goddess" - are not mocking the flag or the country but mocking the mindlessness, the numbing repetition, of swearing
the oath every day, King said.
       "It's funny," she said.
       Some teachers continue with their work as the pledge is recited, letting students stand and follow along or not as they desire.
       "We don't say it at all, ever," said Andy Lawson, principal of the American Indian Heritage High School in Seattle. "It just doesn't occur to us
to do it. It's not a protest or anything. That doesn't make us anti-American."
       Honig said. "You don't have to explain the basis for your unwillingness," he said. "It's not practicable or reasonable for the government
to stage inquisitions into people's motives for why they don't want to participate."
Also see

Gorham students, teachers reject Pledge proposal    By Robert Lowell   Reporter - American Journal

GORHAM Maine (Dec 11, 2008): Gorham High School students and teachers on the School Council were scheduled to meet Dec. 17 to come up with a compromise after rejecting a proposal from the superintendent last month to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning over the intercom.

Lauren Cunningham, a senior at Gorham High School and co-chair of the School Council, said the goal of the compromise would be to establish a time and place where students could recite the Pledge.

In a 14-6 vote last month, the School Council rejected a proposal from Superintendent Ted Sharp to say the Pledge in classrooms at Gorham High School, where, teachers say, the Pledge hasn't been recited regularly in 30 years.

Last week, Suzanne Ennis, a substitute teacher, presented a petition to the Gorham School Board and Town Council demanding that students recite the Pledge and the School Department install flags in classrooms, which is required by state law. She said the pledge is recited at the Village Elementary and middle schools, but isn't at the high school. Ennis and others who circulated the petition collected more than 300 signatures in 10 days.

Sharp has already addressed the flag request. He said 80 flags ordered two or three weeks ago at a cost of $500 were installed in high school rooms Saturday.

Sharp said he considered issuing a directive about reciting the pledge, which is not required by state law, but decided to let students make the decision after discussing the matter with Chris Record, the high school principal. Record and Sharp decided the issue would be a good civics lesson for students.

“This is a great teaching opportunity,” Sharp said.

Sharp and Record decided to refer the matter to the School Council, which is made up of 10 students and 10 teachers. The School Council debated Sharp's proposal last month at what Cunningham described as the most well attended School Council meeting she had seen, with 20 students who were not on the School Council showing up to speak.

English teacher Dave Hochheiser says students were direct but respectful when they were debating whether or not to require students to recite the Pledge. (Photo by Harmony Motter)

English teacher Dave Hochheiser, who co-chairs the School Council with Cunningham, said there wasn’t “mincing of words” during the meeting but he called the discussion cordial and respectful.

“The vote was taken and there were no riots afterwards,” Hochheiser said.

Hochheiser and Cunningham both voted against Sharp's proposal. Cunningham said the issue has been a subject of discussion in homerooms and said many students feel it is unnecessary to say the Pledge everyday.

“I’m against having it said over the intercom,” said Cunningham, who feels a large number of students would recite the pledge but some wouldn’t like being forced to recite it and might refuse to stand in classrooms.

Hochheiser said the School Council is working on an alternative proposal that would allow the Pledge to be recited at a designated place, such as the auditorium, gym or flagpole.

“The main goal is to establish a time and place where people could meet to say the pledge,” Cunningham said.

Record, who is in his first year as principal, said students and faculty are taking the issue very seriously. “Participating and watching it is my proudest moment so far at the school,” Record said.

However, Ennis has pointed out that one part of the civics lesson is lacking – the meetings of the School Council aren't open to the public. She said she wasn't allowed to attend the meeting last month.

"It's an outrage," said Ennis.

Despite Ennis' objections, Sharp said he has no plans to open the School Council meeting next week to the public.

"It's not a public forum," he said. "We don't open what goes on in the school to the public."

One nation indivisible, one town torn in two
Pledge of Allegiance push shakes small Vt. hamlet

By Brian MacQuarrie, Globe Staff  |  November 30, 2008

WOODBURY, Vt. - The Woodbury Village Store, the only one in town, welcomes hunters and other patrons with a hand-written sign that reads, "Shirt and pants and shoes required," in a snow-dusted North Country hamlet where many weathered homes are stooped with age.

Inside, the sleepy tableau seems frozen in time. But just up the hill, at the Woodbury Elementary School, an aggressive effort to return a daily recital of the Pledge of Allegiance to its four small classrooms has pitted neighbor against neighbor, unsettled students and staff, and spawned a vitriolic burst of incendiary name-calling.

No one in this tiny community of 809 people can recall anything like it. And the rancor has settled so deeply into the psyche here that residents and school officials say the wounds might take years to heal.

"I can see the devastation of this. It's real, and it's palpable," said Mark Andrews, co-superintendent of schools. At issue is whether the Pledge of Allegiance should be recited in the classroom every day by the 53 pupils in the 94-year-old school, just as it is believed to be in most elementary school classrooms across the country.

The move has been spearheaded by a retired Marine Corps major, who quickly gathered 310 signatures on a townwide petition after the Pledge of Allegiance, which used to be recited once a week in a schoolwide assembly, disappeared entirely in the spring.

"People were pulling the clipboard out of my hand and saying, 'That's disgraceful,' " said Ted Tedesco, a veteran of the Gulf War.

Conflicting definitions and questions of patriotism, values, and ideology have polarized the town, residents said, and longtime friendships have become one of the casualties of an issue that had hardly crossed anyone's mind until the petition surfaced.

"I've seen people in this town who have been friends for years that now won't speak to each other," said Jeff Kaiser, a nurse who lives on a 46-acre hilltop spread with his wife and two daughters, one of whom is a first-grader.

Principal Michaela Martin said the omission of the Pledge of Allegiance was inadvertent. School officials responded to the petition with out-of-classroom options to help shield pupils whose families object to its use of "under God," which was added in 1954. If the Pledge of Allegiance were held in class, school officials said, those students who remained seated might be scorned or shunned by their peers.

The Supreme Court, in 1943, ruled that students could refrain from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance for reasons of religion. Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, do not salute the flag of any country because they reserve their worship for only God.

About six Woodbury students exercised their right not to participate, Andrews said.

In an experiment, Woodbury pupils were invited to walk to a second-floor gymnasium to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each morning. But when less than half participated, officials opted for a schoolwide gathering in the building's entry foyer, only a few steps from the doors of all four classrooms. There, an older student stands on a small wooden riser, makes the daily announcements, and leads the school in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Those pupils who wish to say it can do so. Those who do not remain silent.

"It's a win-win," Martin said. "The community got their needs met, and it's a great way to start the day."

For Tedesco, who said he remains convinced that the Pledge of Allegiance was dropped intentionally, that format is not acceptable.

"The Pledge is legal, the Pledge is traditional, and the Pledge is convenient when it's said in the classroom," Tedesco said. "To reduce it to essentially a crowd - a literal mob scene - in a cramped lobby is to remove the instructional component from the environment."

That displeasure, given a high-profile voice in print and television reports that circulated nationwide, has caused the community's wounds to fester, many residents said.

School staff have received threatening phone calls from out of state. Tedesco and several allies were asked to leave the building recently after watching the Pledge of Allegiance. And one teacher turned for home instead of class when she saw a critical e-mail from a former pupil, who is now in the military, posted to the school door.

Even students, Andrews said, have voiced concerns about safety and a new atmosphere they have difficulty understanding.

"Let's look at ourselves in the mirror: What are we doing?" Andrews said. "People need to put down their swords and come together."

Stephanie Fraser, who has a first-grader at the school, said she was horrified when she saw the petition beside the cash register at the village store. Later, she stunned a public meeting when she displayed a salute, which resembles the Nazi gesture, that accompanied the Pledge of Allegiance for many years after its introduction in 1892. [the gesture was changed in 1942. Some people supported the change because of the gesture's similarities to the National Socialist greeting].

(a photograph with the story carried this caption: Stephanie Faser (center), watched her husband, Robin Grant, as they discussed the Pledge of Allegiance issue with Principal Michaela Martin at Woodbury Elementary School. (Caleb Kenna for the Boston Globe))

"If we give in to a bully, we have no place to talk about bullying to our children," Fraser said. "The townsfolk I talk to say they just want this all to stop."

Several residents interviewed said that they readily endorsed the petition, but that they are satisfied with the foyer solution despite continuing efforts to push the issue.

"I happily signed because I totally think we should say the Pledge," said Ellen Demers, the parent of a kindergartner, as she colored a customer's hair in her beauty salon. "They wanted it back, we got it back, and I think it's more important that we say it rather than where it's said."

Earlier that day, Demers attended a monthly community lunch at the school, where pupils, parents, grandparents, and other residents gathered in the gymnasium. Her 5-year-old daughter, Abigail, who now says the Pledge of Allegiance whenever she sees a flag, helped bake an apple pie for the occasion.

The dispute was not discussed there, but its repercussions continue to hover over the town.

"We're all a little afraid to talk, because nobody knows where they stand," Demers said. "I think we're forgetting our kids."

Retta Dunlap, chairwoman of the Woodbury School Board, said the panel has no plans to revisit the issue, after a unanimous vote recently to support the foyer option. "It's done, as far as the board is concerned," she said.

Andrews said the school has much more important business to conduct than a prolonged debate over the Pledge of Allegiance. "Let's not put all this energy on saying the Pledge," he said. "Let's focus on getting kids ready for the 21st century."

Tedesco, for his part, said he has not finished. "This discussion is not over," he vowed. "There is more to be said."

TEX. EDUC. CODE §25.082 (2 003); The state of Texas has its own state pledge, too. In 2003, the Legislature required all schools to pledge allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags and observe a moment of silence every morning at the beginning of classes. Texas' state pledge started in 1933. That year is the year that the National Socialist German Workers' Party followed a similar path to dictatorship. It is also a good bet that the Texas pledge in 1933 used the stiff-arm salute, as it was then the salute of the USA's national pledge (from 1892), and it was the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, along with its chanting and robotic worship of government. Its the state government's version of driving a huge pick-up truck, Hummer, or tank. Can't we just let Texas secede?  Or can't we secede from Texas? Foreigners find the pledge fetish in the USA interesting in a "you've got to be shitting me" sort of way.

If you have ever wondered why the Bushes are socialist nuts, read the following and you might deduce that their mental health problems were deepened by life in Texas -

Whilst spending time overseas people used to ask me about it, "do you really salute a flag every morning?" After explaining it away as patriotism most people left it at that. I can guarantee they went away thinking Americans were a bunch of nutters.

I hadn't given those past conversations much thought until I reached Austin - the state capital of Texas. Every day I substitute teach at a different school; every day I stand up and say four flag salutes, the Pledge of Allegiance in English, the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. Just when you think it is safe to sit down, the classroom intercom or assembly leader chimes in with the Texas Pledge.

Honour the Texas flag;
I pledge allegiance to thee,
Texas, one and indivisible

Then again in Spanish! It's about this time every morning I think of blowing my brains out! Where are we again? I can't believe I am saying this nonsense. To be honest, I can't bring myself to leave my hand over my heart whilst the children are reciting the Texas Pledge. There ought to be laws against such torture.

From now on, if we capture a terrorist - I suggest we make them say four flag salutes a day. That will surely break his will!    from

June 15, 1985  UPI

Girl Who Wouldn't Stand For Salute Gets Apology

In the Fall of 1984, Susan Shapiro, a high school student, caused a controversy when she refused to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Later, she received a public apology from her school's teacher association. Miss Shapiro's family agreed to drop a lawsuit they had filed against the town and Randolph High School in exchange for the apology. The Massachusetts Teachers Association, representing Miss Shapiro's homeroom teacher, Jean Noblin, issued a statement apologizing for the way ''Susan and the Shapiro family had been treated.'' The dispute began when Mrs. Noblin questioned Miss Shapiro's refusal to stand for the salute. Miss Shapiro missed more than a month of school because of threats to her safety. Her family received numerous harassing phone calls and mail.

Reciting pledge in schools is mindless practice  By THOMAS ZACHEK  

"Every day in schools across Wisconsin, students are asked to rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. At my daughter's school, some students stand and recite. Many stand but remain silent. Some remain seated. Sometimes entire rooms remain silent while the pledge is read over the PA. When it finishes, classes resume until the next day, when the ritual is repeated.

Expect me to condemn the shameful lack of patriotism of today's youth?   ... This mindless practice should be abandoned." from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
on Jan. 10, 2008 at excerpt -


Abolish The Pledge Of Allegiance, Ban the Pledge Of Allegiance, Stop the Pledge Of Allegiance

Peer Pressure definitions Pledge of Allegiance the original socialist salute to the U.S. flag A SOCIALIST WROTE THE PLEDGE - for allegiance to socialism in government schools.
THE SALUTE - was like the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party salute.
THE MEDIA - won't show you photos of the U.S. flag's original socialist salute.
REWARD $$$$ - this site pays for historic photos showing the original U.S. flag salute.
U.S. SOCIALISM - did it inspire the National Socialist German Workers' Party?
THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - and the worship of government.
AN IMPROVED PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - for government to pledge to you.
MUST YOU SALUTE THE FLAG ? or say the pledge in government schools?
A FAN WRITES scary details about the old pledge & survival tips if you keep reciting.
POSTCARDS TO SHARE - of the U.S. flag's original socialist salute.
THE MILITARY-SOCIALISM COMPLEX - secret photos of the original military salute.


The U.S. Supreme Court misspelled their name as "Gobitis" and the error is repeated often.  

Take the Pledge of Allegiance Test!

1. The Pledge of Allegiance dates from—

   1. a. 1776
   2. b. 1917
   3. c. 1892

2. It was written by -

   1. a. Thomas Jefferson
   2. b. Abraham Lincoln
   3. c. a socialist preacher in the nationalism movement

3. The phrase "one Nation, under God"—

   1. a. is original to the Pledge
   2. b. was added before World War II
   3. c. was added in 1954

4. It was suggested by—

   1. a. the President
   2. b. Congress
   3. c. the Catholic organization The Knights of Columbus

5. The early salute of the Pledge was

   1. a. the hand-over-the-heart
   2. b. the military salute alone
   3. c. the military salute that was then extended out toward the flag, and it was the origin of the stiff-arm salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Bonus question:

6. When was "in God we Trust" made the National Motto, and what was the original National Motto?

The answers to questions 1 through 5 are all "c". The original Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist in the nationalism movement in 1892, and had no mention of "God" in it. In 1954, the Catholic organization the Knights of Columbus, lobbied President Eisenhower to add the words "under God" to the Pledge. The Knights of Columbus convinced the Foreign Legion (many of whom had served Eisenhower when he was Commander of the Allied Forces) to lend their support for adding those two words. Eisenhower was convinced to agree (possibly from political motivations) and had the wording of the Pledge changed.

The bonus question? In 1956, President Eisenhower replaced the National Motto "E Pluribus, Unum" ("Out of Many, One") with "In God we Trust". "E Plurbus, Unum" was the original National Motto, supported by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. A motto that spoke to uniting citizens of all religions and creeds (as well as those without any faith) for 180 years, was replaced by a motto that divides.


Read Francis Bellamy’s original article/speech next to the first Pledge (Youth's Companion, September 8, 1892, and see the article therein "The Meaning of the Four Centuries").   A recent search of the internet indicated that the above webpage is the only source on the internet for Bellamy’s scary speech.   Why is that?  And why won't schools show historic photographs of the original pledge of allegiance?

Bellamy was a self-proclaimed national socialist and the purpose of the pledge was to promote a government takeover of education, and to eliminate all of the better alternatives, in order to create an "industrial army" (a Bellamy term) openly modeled on the military to nationalize the economy and establish a totalitarian society of  socialism, as described in the book "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy, cousin and cohort of Francis. The Bellamy ideas were dystopian hell here and abroad.

Francis Bellamy is the reason that there is often a U.S. flag flying at local schools or inside classrooms. The U.S. flag is like a white flag of surrender over local schoolhouses, surrender to takeover by government, to nationalization, to the Department of Education, and to socialism.  

Edward Bellamy’s book was an international bestseller and influenced the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (~60 million killed), the People’s Republic of China (~50 million killed), and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (~20 million killed). (Death tolls from the book "Death by Government" by Professor R. J. Rummel).

Francis Bellamy has been described as an advertising pioneer.  It would make more sense to say that he was a propaganda pioneer, with success comparable to Leni Riefenstahl.

Are Germans owed an apology by many people for the mis-impression that the bizarre military socialism and regimented chanting and saluting of the National Socialist German Workers' Party was uniquely German or originated there?

Many people vilify the Confederate flag.  How does the Confederate flag compare with the U.S. flag?  The legacy of the U.S. flag and pledge was a government takeover of schools that resulted in government-imposed racism and segregation that served as an example to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, and even outlasted the horrid party, well into the 1960's and 70's.

The Confederate Flag has been denounced by comparing it to the Nazi Swastika Flag.  If the American Flag is compared with the Swastika Flag under the National Socialist German workers Party, then similarities are visible that are more shocking.

Socialists in the USA originated the Nazi salute, robotic group-chanting to flags, Nazism, flag fetishism, and the modern swastika as "S" symbolism for "Socialism," as shown in the historical discoveries of the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets").

The socialist Pledgeophiles wanted government to take children from parents, and wanted government to takeover all schools. When the government granted their wish, the government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy. See the shocking photograph of the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE

It set a horrid example for the world for three decades before the National Socialist German Workers' Party was formed and adopted similar behavior. The bad behavior of socialists in the USA outlasted the German National Socialists by decades. Even after official segregation ended in government schools, the socialist system imposed mandatory busing that destroyed neighborhoods and deepened hostilities.

To this day, children are still ostracized and persecuted for rejecting the robotic ritualism in government schools (socialist schools).

The separation of school and state is as important as the separation of church and state. The government should not run Sunday school, nor Monday school through Friday school.

Should the pledge be restored to its pre-1892 version?

See more eye-popping expose' of the pledge of allegiance at

The court case of Frank Herbert Wonschik v. U.S., argued that the jury selection process was impermissibly tainted by the trial judge's request that all potential jurors stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance prior to jury selection. Furthermore, that bias also transgressed the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Pledge of Allegiance All in favor of a pledge raise your right hand...

Swastika Swastika
Swastika, Swastika, Swastikas, Adolf Hitler, Nazism Fascism Third Reich Swastika Hakenkreuz Cryptologist Rex Curry Symbologist, Cryptographer
Swastika Swastika

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PEER PRESSURE FACTS & Bullying: The Pledge of Allegiance & socialism, segregation and racism