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Major Figures in the Second Book of the Odyssey


Telemachus and Mentor. Illustration from the 1699 Book les Aventures de Télémaque.

Telemachus and Mentor. Illustration from the 1699 Book les Aventures de Télémaque.

Public Domain. Courtesy of Wikipedia.

Odyssey Study Guide Contents

Book 2: Telemachus Calls the Assembly in Ithaca | Summary Book II | Notes | Major Characters | Quiz on Book II

  • Zeus - king of the gods. Zeus attempts neutrality.
    Known as Jupiter or Jove among the Romans and in some translations of the Odyssey.

  • Athena - a war goddess who especially favors Odysseus and other heroes. Athena is on the side of the Greeks.
    Known as Minerva among the Romans and in some translations of the Iliad.
  • Telemachus - Son of Odysseus who was left as a baby when Odysseus went off 20 years earlier to fight in the Trojan War.
  • Laertes - Son of Arceisius; aged father of Odysseus.
  • Penelope - Wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus.
  • Antinous - The most insolent of the suitors. He is the son of Eupeithes.
  • Mentor - a trusted old friend of Odysseus left in charge when Odysseus went off to the Trojan War. Athena took on the disguise of Mentor.
  • Eurykleia (Euryklea) - Odysseus and Telemachus' nurse. Eukykleia helps Telemachus with his preparations for sailing to Pylos and is the first to recognize Odysseus when he returns.
  • Halitherses - An Ithacan prophet who addresses the assembly that Telemachus has called when Zeus sends an omen.
  • Eurymachus (Eurymakhos) - Eurymachus is the second suitor.
  • Aigyptios - An old man who is the first to speak at the assembly of Achaeans that Telemachus convenes.

Profiles of Some of the Major Olympian Gods Involved in the Trojan War

Cultural Notes on Book II

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