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Resource Page Name and Description Current Release
The ADO.NET Entity Framework samples that accompany the Entity Framework documentation on MSDN for Visual Studio 2008. This is the download location for the CourseManager project that you create wh...
The ADO.NET Entity Framework samples that accompany the Entity Framework documentation on MSDN for Visual Studio 2008. This is the download location for the CourseManager project that you create when you complete the Entity Framework quickstart. You will also find other Entity Data Model tools walkthrough projects as well as the samples described in the Entity Framework documenation.
Downloads: 430 | Started: Sep 19 2008  | Contributors: 4
ADO.NET Entity Framework Query Samples is a small Windows Forms program which contains several basic Entity SQL and LINQ to Entities queries against that NorthwindEF Entity Data Model (a modified v...
ADO.NET Entity Framework Query Samples is a small Windows Forms program which contains several basic Entity SQL and LINQ to Entities queries against that NorthwindEF Entity Data Model (a modified version of Northwind). Its goal is to help you learn the features of the different query languages available in the Entity Framework, and to let you visualize how the results and the translated store queries look like.
Downloads: 142 | Started: May 14 2008  | Contributors: 5
The ADO.NET Entity Framework Extensions library includes utilities that make querying stored procedures, creating typed results from DB data readers and state tracking external data much easier in ...
The ADO.NET Entity Framework Extensions library includes utilities that make querying stored procedures, creating typed results from DB data readers and state tracking external data much easier in the Entity Framework. A sample application demonstrates several patterns using these utilities, including stored procedures with multiple result sets, materialization of CLR types, and registering entities in the Entity Framework state manager.
Downloads: 135 | Started: Mar 24 2008  | Contributors: 4
Entity Framework mapping helper lets you create sample mapping files for the set of scenarios you are interested in. It’s a great tool for a deeper understanding for how schema files are defined fo...
Entity Framework mapping helper lets you create sample mapping files for the set of scenarios you are interested in. It’s a great tool for a deeper understanding for how schema files are defined for complex mapping scenarios in Entity Framework.
Popular tags: Entity Framework, ADO.NET, Entity Data Model
Downloads: 80 | Started: Mar 18 2008  | Contributors: 2
Sample ADO.NET Provider for Entity Framework
Sample ADO.NET Provider for Entity Framework
Downloads: 77 | Started: Jun 3 2008  | Contributors: 3
May 24 2010
Entity SQL tools and samples. eSqlBlast home.
Entity SQL tools and samples. eSqlBlast home.
Downloads: 69 | Started: Jan 24 2008  | Contributors: 3
Sample code illustrating how to connect to an Excel spreadsheet data source using ADO.NET. The binary can be used to test connecting to spreadsheets; it supports sheets, sheets with ranges, and na...
Sample code illustrating how to connect to an Excel spreadsheet data source using ADO.NET. The binary can be used to test connecting to spreadsheets; it supports sheets, sheets with ranges, and named ranges. Arbitrary select statements may be executed; the results are displayed along with the connection string used. Supports Excel 5.0, 95, 97, 2000, 2003, and 2007 (all three variants). Comments in the code point to additional resources.
Popular tags: ADO.NET, C#, EXCEL
Downloads: 55 | Started: Dec 31 2008  | Contributors: 1
Version 1.0
Dec 31 2008
This code provides a set of basic benchmarks for DataTable search and aggregation options, including a comparison to LINQ options.
This code provides a set of basic benchmarks for DataTable search and aggregation options, including a comparison to LINQ options.
Popular tags: ADO.NET, Performance, Visual Basic
Downloads: 50 | Started: Nov 17 2008  | Contributors: 1
A command-line tool for the Microsoft Entity Framework. This tool is able to read and write the EDMX file format, as well as translate between EDMX and CSDL, SSDL & MSL file formats. It can be us...
A command-line tool for the Microsoft Entity Framework. This tool is able to read and write the EDMX file format, as well as translate between EDMX and CSDL, SSDL & MSL file formats. It can be used as a replacement for the EdmGen.exe tool that ships with the .Net Framework 3.5.
Downloads: 41 | Started: Jun 20 2008  | Contributors: 2
The goal of the Sample EDMX Code Generator is to provide you with enough insight into how the ADO.NET Entity Designer generates code in Visual Studio and hopefully give you a head start with some s...
The goal of the Sample EDMX Code Generator is to provide you with enough insight into how the ADO.NET Entity Designer generates code in Visual Studio and hopefully give you a head start with some sample source code. SampleEdmxCodeGenerator is not intended for production use; instead, it demonstrates custom tool extensibility via SingleFileGenerator, code generation APIs, code generation events and EDM metadata APIs. The sample is also somewhat incomplete on error handling and has not been tuned for performance, stress, etc.
Popular tags: ADO.NET, EFx Tools, Entity Data Model, Entity Framework
Downloads: 39 | Started: Jan 24 2008  | Contributors: 1
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