Engineering Site Plan Review

Storm Water Management and Sanitary Sewer Plans (CC Plans)

These plans are typically submitted after the preliminary site plan meeting (when required). Otherwise they can be submitted at any time, but they will need to be approved before the final site and building plans are approved. 

Submit 8 copies of the plans with the application, CD containing the digital submission and one copy of any supporting documents (stormwater report, sanitary calculations) for review. The initial review will be completed in 12 business days. The review fees are based on the time it takes staff to review the plans. An invoice will be sent at the time we request the mylars for signature.

Below are a list of document associated to storm water management and sanitary sewer plans (CC Plans).

Site Development
Sewer Tap Fees
Standard drawings, Storm and Sanitary Design Manuals
Standard Drawings (Sewer)
2012 Construction & Material Specifications
Digital Submission Standards
CC Plan Requirements for Storm Sewer
CC Plan Requirements for Sanitary Sewer