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PowerPoint Presentations

Protecting Children’s Health Slide Show
This 19-slide power point presentation introduces: children’s special vulnerabilities to toxic exposures; trends in childhood illnesses; preventable health hazards in schools including food, pesticides, soil, water and air contamination; and solutions to keep schools, homes and communities safe for kids.

> Click here to download.

Creating Child-Safe Learning Zones: Avoiding the Siting of Schools on Contaminated Land or Near Sources of Pollution
This PowerPoint presentation addresses the problem of schools being sited on or near sources of pollution.  Outlining the issue of why this has become a common occurrence, and why environmental toxins pose an exceptional threat to children, the presentation looks at the existing state of school siting laws, and details what comprehensive laws are needed to ensure the safety of new school sites.  Much of the information in this presentation comes from CHEJ’s report, Building Safe Schools:  Invisible Threats, Visible Actions

> Click here to download.

An Introduction to the Green Flag Program for Environmental Leadership
This 35 – slide power point presentation, available on CD or overhead transparencies, begins with basic concepts covering children’s special vulnerabilities to toxic exposures; trends in childhood illnesses and preventable health hazards in schools. The slide show then moves into actions steps schools, parents and students can take to reduce risks in the school setting, by using the Green Flag School Program for Environmental Leadership. Participants receive basic explanations of four issue areas that can be improved to make schools healthier and more environmentally friendly: pest management, cleaning products, indoor air quality, and reduce, reuse and recycle. Case studies of Green Flag School programs are included.

The slide show is accompanied by guidance for the presenter for setting up a slideshow event, and a slide-by-slide script for the presenter to use. Additionally, presenters will receive three copies of the Green Flag School Program Start-Up Kit, and a handful of Green Flag brochures.

> Click here to download.

Integrated Pest Management for Schools
This issue-specific slideshow of the Green Flag Schools Program delves into greater depth about the health and environmental impacts of chemical pesticides, the alternatives of Integrated Pest Management programs, and shares successful stories of schools that are using IPM. There is also a faith-based version of this slideshow for religious schools.

> Click here to download.

>Click here for the religious version

Green Cleaning for Schools
This issue-specific slideshow of the Green Flag Schools Program delves into greater depth about the health and environmental impacts of chemical cleaners, alternative green cleaning products, and shares successful stories of schools that are using green cleaners. There is also a faith-based version of this slideshow for religious schools.

> Click here to download.

>Click here for the religious version

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for Schools
This issue-specific slideshow of the Green Flag Schools Program delves into greater depth about the health and environmental impacts of resource use, and shares ideas schools can use to reduce their consumption, find alternative uses for old products, and assess and improve their recycling programs.  There is also a faith-based version of this slideshow for religious schools.

> Click here to download.

>Click here for the religious version

Energy Conservation for Schools
This faith-based slideshow was designed for religious schools, and shares environmental and health impacts of our current energy consumption patterns, energy conservation tips that save money and reduce emissions into the environment, and shares successful stories of schools that are conserving energy. There is also a non-religious version of this slideshow.

>Click here to download

>Click here for the non-religious version
