• Maryland

  • Our Maryland customers are able to shop among licensed competitive electric providers. Whether or not you choose to purchase electricity from another provider, we will continue to deliver electricity to all customers through our network of electric power lines. We will continue to maintain these power lines and restore service in the event of any disruption, such as weather related events, and respond to emergency and routine service calls.

    Click here for a list of licensed electric providers serving the Maryland area.

    If you do not choose a different provider, we buy electricity for you and charge you according to rates approved by the Maryland Public Service Commission. This is called the “Standard Offer Service” (SOS) program, and rates appear under the “Supply Charges” portion of your bill.

    The “Supply Charges” section in your electricity bill is broken down to indicate charges for:

    Charges for Supply are itemized to show the component rates and dollar amounts. The dollar amounts are totaled and listed as “Total Electric Supply Charges”.

    If you choose a provider other than Delmarva, you will pay that provider’s price for electric supply instead of our electric price.