Jason Samenow
Capital Weather Gang

Jason Samenow is The Washington Post’s Weather Editor. Find him on Google+.

Latest by Jason Samenow

Warm sunshine for much of the weekend

Warm sunshine for much of the weekend

The weekend weather is pretty swell. Temps inch upwards and so do humidity levels, but nothing close to oppressive.

Giant Argentinian storm: International Space Station snags view

Giant Argentinian storm: International Space Station snags view

A large storm swirling in Southern Hemisphere offered quite a view for NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman, from his perch on the International Space Station.

In 1970s, some argued male-named hurricanes would not be respected

In 1970s, some argued male-named hurricanes would not be respected

In the 1970s, a feminist charge to include male names met resistance on the grounds people would not take storms seriously if names did not evoke images of female fury

Atlanta’s amazing red sky double rainbow (PHOTOS)

Atlanta’s amazing red sky double rainbow (PHOTOS)

The leftovers of Thursday’s storm complex departed Atlanta just as the sun was setting and as the sky’s color turned pastel red. Over the city’s skyline, a double rainbow emerged.