
We love using WordPress as a tool and platform to solve problems.

From the Beginning

Our history with WordPress extends to the very roots of WordPress itself. Our founder, Alex King was one of the original developers who helped build WordPress after it was forked from b2.

He also created the first WordPress design competitions, which resulted in the few hundred designs and themes for WordPress.

As an Open platform, WordPress is a great choice for a wide variety of projects. We have built websites large and small, web applications and a variety of interesting tools and integrations on the WordPress platform. Our expertise allows us to architect WordPress solutions in the right way – creating systems that are user-friendly, scalable, and maintainable.

We offer design, development, deployment and scaling services for WordPress.

Our solutions fall into a few different areas:

  • content creation and management
  • development and code best practices
  • deployment of content and code

Carrington Build

Give your editors direct control of your website with advanced drag-and-drop layouts (like you see on this site).

We created our Carrington solutions as a better way of creating modular and maintainable WordPress themes. Both subscribe to WordPress development best practices, while extending them with our own experience. Carrington Core provides a better templating system for pages that have consistent presentation needs while Carrington Build gives non-technical users the ability to create and maintain beautiful custom layouts.

Part of maintaining a complex website is proper staging and production environments. It’s important to us as your development partner that we can give you access to the new features we create for you to experiment with outside of your live site environment. Likewise it is important for you to be able to create new pages and sections of your site, review them internally, etc. before putting them live on your production site. To help facilitate this, we have created tools for deploying content and code.


Deploy WordPress content changes from staging to production with RAMP.

For moving content between your staging and production site, we created RAMP. RAMP allows you to select content changes from your staging site and push it to your production site. We have also created a variety of tools for deploying code. We maintain two Ruby gems: Capistrano-WP and Steps, that are the core of our code deployment toolset. Using best practices, we easily can deploy and rollback code changes to your staging and production website (including clustered server environments).


We love WordPress because we can use it to solve problems. Our clients love WordPress because it is easy to use, flexible and free (as in beer and speech). WordPress’ underlying framework is extremely extensible and allows us to build all kinds of creative solutions.

We are also tightly integrated into the WordPress community. We attend and speak at WordCamps and WordPress-related conferences, we organized WordCamp Denver 2009 and WordCamp Boulder 2011, and we contribute to WordPress core development.

As the first WordPress-focused development consultancy, we have worked with a wide variety of clients and been exposed to many interesting WordPress-related ideas and challenges.

When I asked some of the largest players in the web and WordPress space to recommend a top WordPress development shop, Crowd Favorite was among the most highly recommended. And for Solvitor, the experience of working with Crowd Favorite on the Annotum project was nothing short of remarkable.

Crowd Favorite not only brought extremely resourceful, efficient, and talented engineers and designers to the project, they also contributed substantial product, web, and particularly WordPress expertise — adding useful, elegant features (within scope and budget), championing the user experience, and doing all this with an agile flexibility and pragmatism in handling changing requirements that made working with them a genuine pleasure.

Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.Founder and CEO, Solvitor

Along the way we have created a variety of solutions to help solve the larger underlying issues we have identified. We have released many of these as plugins and there are even more in our GitHub repositories.

Read more about our capabilities on our Services page, and check out our Blog for more examples of our work.

Contact Us About Your Project

We love the opportunity to work with interesting teams on challenging projects. Our expertise in websites, web applications, WordPress and general best practices makes us a great partner for whatever you're looking to build.

Our team of professionals includes designers, developers and experienced project sherpas. Not only will the technical result be high-quality, but we will be your trusted guide throughout the process.

Get in Touch