Research and Reports
Toward Better Teaching
Measuring a Teacher's Value and Effectiveness in SREB States
Alternative Routes for Teacher Certification in SREB States
Tenure, Dismissal and Performance Pay Policies in SREB States
Teacher Reform Legislation in SREB States: Evaluation Policies

Toward Better Teaching

A view of evaluation policies, practices and lessons in SREB states

How do effective teachers impact student learning? Can educator performance reviews change and challenge the culture of the teaching profession? What are states considering as they design and implement teacher evaluation systems?

Toward Better Teaching, the inaugural title in SREB’s Educator Effectiveness series (June 2013), is a 20-page evaluation of policies, practices and lessons in SREB states.

It details:

•The frequency, components and design of teacher evaluation systems
•The integration of student achievement data and role of classroom observation in teacher evaluations
•State-specific case examples from Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee
•The context of federal programs like Race to the Top, No Child Left Behind and Teacher Incentive Fund grants

We invite you to read, download and share this report.

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