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Comic Book Cheers and Jeers Archives - Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 12/31

Here are some cheers and jeers, mostly for comics that came out last week.

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 12/15

Damn, that was quite a long time between installments of this bit! The last one I did was in January! ANYhow, here are some cheers and jeers, mostly for comics that came out last week.

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 1/17

Here are some cheers and jeers, mostly for the comics that I’ve read so far this week (I still have a bunch more to read, including Umbrella Academy, which looks awwwwesome)!

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 1/9

Here are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me, mostly having to do with last week’s comic releases, although there are some mixed in that are older than that, and there’s one about today’s new release – The Hulk #1!!!

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 12/21

I know you’ve missed this feature, so here ya go! Here are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me, mostly having to do with this week’s new releases (but not all!)!

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

A Cheer and Jeer All Wrapped Into One!

Cheers to DC for doing new printings of the popular Heroes hardcover and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier hardcover!

Jeers to the shipping date…December 28th.

Quick Cheer and Jeer

Just wanted to note how impressed I was by Marvel’s new back of the book supplemental material. I suppose there is some underlying motive behind it that makes it fiscally prudent to do, but for us readers, it amounts to a bunch of pages of extra material (yes, promotional material, but well done/interesting stuff nonetheless).

It may not actually be fair to jeer this, because, hey, ad revenue is ad revenue…but seriously, a Goldfish ad on the back cover?!?! Maybe if this was on a Marvel Adventures book, but it seems quite out of place on most of Marvel’s material.

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 7/16

Here are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me, mostly having to do with this week’s new releases!

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 7/11

The comic delays, coupled with me being away on vacation, kept me from reading my comics this week until quite late (as in, well, Tuesday), so this is up late – but heck, I doubt any of you are getting THIS week’s comics this early anyways, so you can bear to read my thoughts about LAST week’s books!

Here are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me, mostly having to do with this week’s new releases!

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 6/28

Here are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me, mostly having to do with this week’s new releases!

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 6/21

Has it really been a MONTH since the last one of these things? Dang…I guess I ought to give myself a JEER for that! Okay, here are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me, mostly having to do with recent comics!

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for the Week of 5/20

The following are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me about comic books. I am dropping the whole “from the past few weeks” thing, as that was too limiting! I needs me my freedom to cheer and jeer almost randomly!! But yeah, it will most likely still be about recent comics.

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 4/29

The following are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me for the past two weeks of comic books!

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers

I totally wouldn’t have ripped off TV Guide’s schtick, but then I saw that, like, a dozen different sites, including Daily Kos, do “cheers and jeers,” so forget that, I’m getting on that bandwagon! The following are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me for the past two weeks of comic books!

There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy! Continue Reading »


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