Welcome to Last.fm's playground! Here you can try out some of the projects we are working on and let us know what you think.

As an additional treat for our loyal subscribers, there's also a VIP zone where we showcase some extra fancy toys.

Fast or slow?

Please lend your ears to science!

Balloon Race VIP

A visualisation of your 2010 listening as a balloon race.

Gender Plot

See and compare your position on the gender/age plot.

Listening Clock VIP

A visualisation of what times of the day you've been listening to music.

Restore Artist Tracks

Restore artist tracks that you previously deleted from your library.

Night Out

Recommended gigs for you and your friends.

Musical Neighbourhood

Your musical neighbourhood over time.

Scrobbling Timeline

Personalised real-time graphs of your scrobbling behaviour.

Listening Trends VIP

Create graphs comparing your listening trends to your friends'.

Music Universe VIP

A visualisation of your 2009 listening as a planetary system.

Tube Tags VIP

Take the tags tube to explore your listening history.

Image Chart VIP

Get an image collage of your top artists.

History Chart VIP

Get a visual chart that summarizes your listening history.

Artist Connections VIP

See how two given artists can be connected to each other.

World Chart VIP

Find out how the listeners of a given artist are distributed over the world.

The projects we showcase here are still early prototypes. They might not always work, the results might not always make sense, and we might remove them without prior notice. The data used in the projects is only updated infrequently.