February 06, 2013

It's Nineteen Eighty-Four

And if you are hell-bent on finding someone to blame, look in a mirror.

Not content with watching us on five million cameras, the overlords now want additional powers to listen, read and record our communiques as well.

Fucking marvelous.

Let's look at the piece, which can be found here

It starts badly, and ends up being quite terrifying. And, through it all, remember that the people who want to do the watching and the listening and the transcribing are all paid by.....YOU.

Oh, the excuse is the usual: "To combat terrorism". (They use the same legislation to prosecute people for having bins out too early, or if they don't quite close the lid on the bin).


'UK spy agencies want to install 'black box' surveillance devices along the country's communications networks to monitor internet use, it emerged today. 

A report by an influential committee of MPs tells how spooks are keen to implement a nationwide surveillance regime aimed at logging nearly everything Britons do and say online.'


'The government argues that swift access to communications data is critical to the fight against terrorism and other high-level crime, but it has been delayed after the Liberal Democrats dropped support for the bill. '


'The services that might be targeted by the probes weren't identified, although Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, and Google Chat are all popular in Britain and were among the services named elsewhere in the report.'

and, be very afraid:

'The next two paragraphs were completely blanked out.'
Of course they were. No need for the fucking proles to know exactly what the sneaky bastards are doing, eh?
My advice?
Order in a truckload of this:
Nothing else makes any sense.
Mind you, on the day this comes to pass, and it will because we are a nation of idiots, I will be logging off. I have no desire for this government, or any other, to invade my privacy in this way.
So, if one day you swing by only to find that I have fucked off, this will be the reason.

February 04, 2013

Random News...

Not a pretty start to the week, so if you are of a weak disposition, look away now.

Nothing To Hide?

A Minister gets it. Well, almost.

Look fucksticks, you have my name & address. That's pretty much all I want you to know. The fact that various government departments sell this information to others is bloody disgusting and, I suspect, unlawful. Given that you abuse even this small piece of data, why the fuck would I want you to know anything else? You cannot be trusted.

Get fucked.

It's Illegal To Criticise The EU

It has been for 12 years.

*Predictable comment klaxon*

Listen up Herman: you and your familiars are a bunch of cretinous, greedy, unelected, unaccountable, fascist, mouth-breathing fuckstains with no idea of democracy and you have serious mental health issues. The EU is a rabid monster and the kindest thing, if it were possible, would be to put a couple of rounds into its head. I curse you. I wish death and destruction for the EU. I wish it immediately. To not criticise you and your inept power-grabbing group of arseholes should be a crime.

Get fucked.

Wee Georgie Makes A Promise


We believe that, George. We also believe in fairies, pixie dust, unicorns, wands, elves and goblins.

YOU have no control. The whey-faced pox doctors clerks (AKA mandarins in Whitehall) run the fucking country, not you. Stop talking bollocks and keep doing as you are told. Banks are special. Unlike any other industry, they must, and will, be protected at all costs. No more lies, sonny. Keep shoveling money at them. Don't stop until every Briton is destitute, and every banker has two Ferrari's on the drive.

Get fucked.

Let's end on a high note.

Writ Of Mandamus

Sounds archaic. And it is.

In law, it also has the equivalent power of a 50 megaton thermonuclear device. Following on from the Australian sovereigns, the Brits are doing the same. Read this information and know that some people, more awake than most, are taking action on your behalf. Get involved if you want to be part of something huge. In direct contrast to the weasel words of wee Georgie, this will have an effect. Note that this Writ is not a request. It is a command.

Get ready banks. Get ready to...

...be fucked.


January 28, 2013

This Is Why We Need Our Guns Back

And no, they aren't (just) for shooting burglars with.

We need to defend ourselves against the very people who suggest stupid shit all the time.


Fucking ridiculous.

Fucking spot on.

Politicians: just fuck off.

Lately, your stupidity has reached record levels. Give it a rest, FFS.


January 27, 2013

"Deniers" Were Right All Along

In what is described as a 'truly sensational' report we learn that those who rightly condemned all of those climate lies over the years were spot on.

AGW, Climate Change, call it what you will, (they do, they change it to suit the ludicrous agenda they push), is complete and utter tosh.

You might want to bear that in mind when the Green Freaks start howling about CO2.

CO2 is that stuff that trees need to live. The trees very kindly suck it up and release it as something useful to every living thing on the planet: air.

The Greens want to save the planet, but in order to do so, they want to radically reduce CO2 emissions which will kill the trees which will kill all the animals and plants, and it will most assuredly kill off the people too. What is it about these freaks that drives them towards a pristine earth containing no people, no fauna, and no flora? Is that the dream? A nice shiny earth but completely devoid of life?

It's the same with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), whose members almost never come across a healthy animal that they didn't want to put down. PETA euthanises 90% of the animals they pick up. How lovely for the animals.

We also have the depopulation mob. Despite empirical evidence showing that the planet can sustain 118 billion people, they insist that 7 billion souls are already too many. Naturally, all those espousing this claptrap want to kill off the brown people. We white folks will be just fine. I never yet saw a brown depopulater. Funny, that.

Hypocrites. All of them. Mind you, it is easy money. If you have a PhD in talking shite, the government will shovel millions at you. Politicians: the most gullible sub-species on the face of the earth.

Have a snippet from the report:

"New research produced by a Norwegian government project, described as "truly sensational" by independent experts, indicates that humanity's carbon emissions produce far less global warming than had been thought: so much so that there is no danger of producing warming beyond the IPCC upper safe limit of 2°C for many decades."


Renowned Swedish climate boffin Caroline Leck, who was not involved in the research, commented:

“These results are truly sensational. If confirmed by other studies, this could have far-reaching impacts on efforts to achieve the political targets for climate.”

The whole thing is here: Climate Change Freaks Are Full Of Shit, Report Says

It seems that the Green Freaks emerged way too early. We do not need their shrieking until 2050 at the earliest.

So governments around the world can now cancel the cheques, or better yet, claw back the billions they gave to these imbeciles in the first place.

And for fucks sake, get my electricity bill down to a sensible level again. All the lies told by warmists achieved only one thing: more money flew out of my wallet than was strictly necessary.

I'd like a refund please.

And then I want every warmist flogged. Twice.


January 26, 2013

Freedom Of Speech

Regulars will recall the original reason for comment moderation. We had a troll.

A particularly disturbed, anti-smoking troll. He targeted this blog, and around eight others and demanded various ludicrous conditions that if the bloggers stopped using certain terms he would leave them in peace.

Clearly, the man is delusional at best and at worst, psychotic. Either way, he caused me and others to change the way we accept comments. His usual M.O was to post gibberish which indicated that he hadn't first read the post, then commented with a pro or con argument like a normal person would. Bloggers and commenters noticed this and the bloke came in for some fairly hefty insults. They were well deserved.

Then he started to post as other people. In the real world, this is called identity theft, or if you want it old-school, impersonating others to their detriment.

In his final throes of madness, he declared on this very blog, over 130 times, that I was a paedo. No proof, no evidence, just the repeated scribblings of an obviously disturbed man.

It forced us (the affected bloggers) to get together and track him down. We did this remarkably quickly. We advised his ISP that his behaviour was worrisome and a tad unlawful. The ISP, given the evidence, agreed and did the right thing and closed him down. A few weeks later he reappeared and off we went again.

When I started this blog my aim was openness and honesty. No censorship, ever. Whatever your viewpoint was, this was the place to put it.

Thanks to this individual I am forced to use moderation. I don't particularly care what he calls me, as I remember the playground chant "Sticks and stones...etc" and it remains relevant today. BUT, when he thinks he has my name and my address and posts that, he crosses a line. Especially given that he has the wrong name and the wrong address. This may hurt the man whose details he insists are mine, so comment moderation stays. Until the man dies, or gets the help he needs in a secure mental facility.

This is his latest missive:

"Ranty. You can remove comment moderation if you want. unfortunately there are conditions which have to be met. Your lies/bullshitting/blagging/threats and all that shite you think i swallow is/has been an insult to my intelligence and will result in permanent sanctions on your blog. your sanctions are: The words FUCK/CUNT/WANKER are not allowed on your blog , you cannot post these words on your blog or any fucking about with word plays like FU, W>>>>>KER C*NT. This does not apply to other posters I will completely leave your blog and will not return unless you post those words. If you post those words from today then my offer will be withdrawn, and moderation will continue."

Now, I have been fighting Big Government for five years. I have picked fights with some mighty agencies of our pathetic government, and won. I could have done none of that or reported back here on the battles, without free speech.

It is the single most important right we have.

Yet this delusional soul thinks he can determine which words I use on my blog?

I do not negotiate with the mentally unstable, chum. I will continue to write what I want, when I want, and as often as I want.

Although I wanted to resist saying this, I cannot:

Fuck off, you wanker. Go and be a cunt somewhere else.
