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Separatists Accused of Blocking SiteNYT Now

The Ukrainian government said on Saturday that it had proof that Russia had provided the missile system that shot down a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet and that Russia and separatist rebels were trying to cover up their role in the attack.


Clockwise from top left: Shazana Salleh, Martine de Schutter, Willem Witteveen, Cameron Dalziel, Tessa van der Sande, Andrei Anghel, Joep Lange and Jacqueline van Tongeren.

Victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17NYT Now

Among the 298 people aboard were a renowned AIDS researcher, a Dutch senator and an Australian novelist.

Israeli troops fired toward the Gaza Strip from their position near the border on Saturday. Israeli strikes killed 20 people in Gaza, pushing the death toll above 300. Credit Menahem Kahana/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Pathogen Mishaps Rise as Labs Proliferate NYT Now

The recent mistakes documented at federal laboratories involving anthrax, flu and smallpox viruses have contributed to a debate over lax government oversight at high-level containment labs.

Complaints About Chokeholds Are Focus of StudyNYT Now

Two days after a Staten Island man died following a police encounter in which a chokehold appeared to be used, the city is looking into the more than 1,000 complaints it has received in recent years about police officers using the hold.


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    The End of ‘Genius’NYT Now

    The idea of the solitary creator is a myth that has outlived its usefulness.

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    All in All, a More Egalitarian World

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    On a General’s Trail, Summoning America’s History

    In 1755, a British general carved a path from Maryland to Pennsylvania. Centuries later, the author follows that trail, and considers its consequences.


    An Edification Vacation

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