Classic Lasagna is Baked Pasta a traditional Comfort food

Ranked #10,194 in Food & Cooking, #153,086 overall

Classic Lasagna is a Taste of Home

I will give you the classic lasagna recipe.

I will give you my lasagna recipe.

If you are a new cook, then I will show you step by step how to bake a "clean your plate" lasagna.

If you have made lasagna many times before then I hope to offer at least one tip that you will make you say "Aha!"

Lasagna is a one dish meal guaranteed to fill bellies and bring people back for more.

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Debate with mePackages of sausage and beef

Lasagna can be made in a variety of ways but let's narrow it to lasagna made with meat.

<b style="color: #C11B17; font-family: verdana; font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal; line-height: 1em;">Is it better with beef or sausage</b>


<b style="color: #C11B17; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 18px;font-weight: normal; line-height: 1em;">Ground beef</b>

DMWaters says:

I am not a big fan of sausage I will say BEEF!

OrganicMom247 says:

I'd stick to what I know and like - ground beef.

grusem says:

ground beef is the best hehe

mimarlou says:

haven't tried or tasted sausage lasagne!

ViolaSuSi says:

Well, the classic lasagna is made of ground beef. I stick to it.

<b style="color: #C11B17; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 18px;font-weight: normal; line-height: 1em;">Sausage</b>

DebMartin says:

Italian Sausage for me.

Dog says:

Sausage, gives it that Italian flavor and taste


Step One

Start with making the sauce because simmering allows it to become richer in flavor. Don't boil just keep slow rolling bubbles going.

I use a screen instead of a lid. This allows my sauce to stay thick. It also keeps the sauce from spitting out the edges of the pot while it is simmering.

Simmer for no less than an hour. The whole kitchen smells yummy.

If you are using spaghetti sauce from a jar then get it on the stovetop in a large pot to start warming it up.

Time for the meat

But wait that leads right to the next debate.

Do kitchen skillets make a difference?Steel skillet vs. iron skillet

<b style="color: #C11B17; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 20px;font-weight: normal; line-height: 1em;">Which type of skillet is more desirable?</b>


<b style="color: #C11B17; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 20px;font-weight: normal; line-height: 1em;">Iron skillet</b>

DMWaters says:

Cast iron

Teapixie says:

I use cast iron skillets that have been passed down through the family. Love them.

Dog says:

I would have to say an iron skillet, lasagna is all about the flavor and a iron skillet sure brings out that flavor.

<b style="color: #C11B17; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 20px;font-weight: normal; line-height: 1em;">Metal / Stainless steel skillet</b>

coolaunt says:

Same with me. I'm in good company I guess.

DebMartin says:

I use a cast iron skillet for most of my cooking. But when I make lasagna, I make a huge batch and the biggest skillet I have in the kitchen is stainless steel. In this instance, size makes the decision for me.


Step Two

Now that your sauce is simmering

Get the meat ready. Once it starts getting brown break it up and then add your chopped onion.

Mix in the onions

A little trick - use a masher. When you get the meat into smaller crumbles then let it continue browning until the onions get soft.

Mix in the chopped garlic

Mix in the garlic. Again work the meat into smaller crumbles then let it continue browning about 15 minutes.

Step Three

Drain the meat.

I use a metal colander and do it right in the skillet. Most people put the colander in the sink to drain the meat.

I use a big spoon to press the grease through the colander. Then I let it sit in the skillet for a little bit.

Some people run super hot water over the meat while in the colander to drain off the grease. I like the flavor of a little grease.

Step Four

Time to get the cheese mixture ready.

In a big glass bowl mix the

3/4 of the measured mozzarella,
2 eggs,
1 teaspoon salt,
¼ teaspoon pepper,
1 tablespoon fresh parsley (dried parsley is fine).

I use a large spoon or a sturdy spatula.

Step Five

Take a break and pour yourself a nice glass of red wine
Bottle of red wine

Or maybe a glass of tea while your sauce is simmering.

Step Six

Pot of simmering sauce

Add the meat to your sauce.

And keep it simmering.

I usually cannot resist a tasting sample.

The benefit of being the chef.

Step Seven

Get your water boiling.
I add salt and olive oil

Add your noodles a couple at a time to the boiling water. I cook my noodles for 12 minutes a little more than the recommended 10 minutes. I prefer a softer noodle.

A watched pot never boils

Step Eight

Picture of foil laid out on countertop

Lay out foil on your counter for the noodles. I put 3 strips of foil across my counter. The table is fine too.

I strongly recommend wearing dish gloves to lay out the VERY hot noodles unless you have a volunteer with extremely tough hands.


Colander with hot noodles in big plastic bowlJust a little tip.
After I drain the noodles in the colander then I put the colander inside a big popcorn bowl so I can move it around easily without a mess.

Step Nine

Lay the noodles out flat on the foil to cool. You will have some broken or split noodles.

No worries.

Those can be used to patch areas when you start layering.

Kitchen scissors with noodle ends in a pileAnother tip.
The noodles may be a bit too long for your specific baking dish. Use kitchen scissors or a knife to cut off the ends so the noodles fit. Do this before you start layering.

Step Ten

Time to layer the lasagna

There are different types of baking dishes and different sizes. I am making one in a foil pan so I can freeze it for later. I will tell you how to do that as we go.

Put 1/2 cup or big laddle full of sauce in bottom of baking dish.

I just pick the dish up and tilt it back and forth to spread the sauce.

Then layer your noodles lengthwise. Overlap the edges as you go across the dish.

Next is the cheese mixture

Put big spoonfuls of the cheese mixture across the noodle layer and spread it out evenly.

Typically you will do this 3 times so use 1/3 of the mixture.

If your baking dish is deep then you may want 4 layers.

Back to your meat sauce

Laddle the meat sauce across the cheese mixture and spread it out evenly.

Typically you will do this 4 times because you end with meat sauce on the top.

Do not use a lot of sauce because it can make the lasagna runny. Just enough to cover the cheese evenly.

Repeat the process two more times ending with noodles. Put the remaining meat sauce on top of the noodles.

NOTE: If you have a deep dish you may repeat layers three times.

Step Eleven

On top of the meat sauce spread the remaining mozarrella and add grated Parmesan, if you want the extra flavor.

I place my baking dish on top of a cookie sheet to catch the sauce when it gets hot and bubbly.

The foil pan is for the freezor so DO NOT bake. When it cools wrap tightly with plastic then wrap with foil.

Refrigerate up to 48 hours or freeze up to 2 months.

When ready to cook remove plastic and foil then rewrap with foil. If frozen , bake at 350°F for 2 hours and 15 minutes. If refrigerated, bake at 375°F for 50 to 60 minutes.

Get it in the oven

Lasagna ready for the ovenRemoving the foil

Oven needs to be preheated to 350°F

Cover the lasagna with foil and bake 50 minutes or until hot and bubbly. I typically bake mine 1 hour then peek under the foil.

Then remove the foil and bake 15 more minutes. Take lasagna out and let it stand for 15 minutes before serving.

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My dogs keep me healthy. My family keeps me sharp. Being outdoors keeps me sane. And I LOVE pasta.

