Exploring the fantasy world of debt free money 

Publishing what has to be

Comparing how things should be with how things are is the only way of bringing clarity to the present situation. Didactic novels are one way of making that comparison. That is the business we are in, and your interest is most welcome.

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My novel Paradise Found is now published. You may access both the free download, or buy the paperback, by clicking: Here 

Paradise Found is about rackets, and the story is a first hand account of a man who wakes up in a debt free world. He is then involved in seeking out enemies of that paradise, questioning who is behind our present debt based political economy. Who are the people invested in our debt based money system? Why? Is it not foolish to issue money as debt, when reducing that debt, reduces the amount of money in circulation? Is money a measure of value, like inches and ounces? Then why should there be a scarcity money? Is treating money as a commodity a scam? That is a few of the questions raised in this first volume of my Pongbourne dialogues.


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If these questions interests you, and you are ready for more, we do recommend reading The Web of Debt by Ellen Hodson Brown. This is probably the best introduction to money that has been published in recent years. You will many find many references to follow up, as well as bodies active in this field.


We add two more on the right, and shall add more here, as the information becomes available.


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Please let me have feedback at: 






This is a email group for those who would like to receive notices of meetings held in the UK. It is not for argument or discussion, but purely for matters relating to the meetings concerned with EU, NWO, and the money scam..


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This is another email group, purely for exchanging information and intelligence on matters relating to the EU, NWO, and related issues. It not for argument or discussion. We are far too busy with research, and could always put you in touch with email groups that are engaged in that sort of thing.


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Copyright ® 2010 Robert  Eversfield  Manley  Francis  
R E M Francis & Co