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Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Lucy’ and more

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Lucy’ and more

Movie reviews with kids in mind: This week, the new Scarlett Johansson thriller and Woody Allen’s latest.

Sisters, now mothers, finding each other again

Sisters, now mothers, finding each other again

Two sisters apart by distance and years find a new connection when they become mothers.

Your messy house? Let’s see it

Your messy house? Let’s see it

Many of you have now read Clint Edwards’ essay about how he learned a messy house is an okay thing. Now it’s your turn: #mymessyhouse

6 things every parent must stop doing

6 things every parent must stop doing

Oops, looks like we’re doing this all wrong (or not).

Can a child be nice and not be bullied?

Can a child be nice and not be bullied?

Richard Weissbourd tries to tackle the question of how to raise a nice child who can also deal with bullies


What to do about bored kids this summer

What to do about bored kids this summer

Marguerite Kelly gives advice about what to do with two boys who sit around and watch TV.

How do we teach kids kindness and success?

How do we teach kids kindness and success?

We chatted with the psychologist who came up with 5 ways to help teach a kid to be kind.


Parents, stop doing these things

Parents, stop doing these things

From hiding treats to encouraging exercise, here are six things parents should stop doing right now.


Parenting advice: Raising kind children

Richard Weissbourd, a Harvard psychologist, answers questions about raising nice children.

He’s growing up but dad’s holding on

He’s growing up but dad’s holding on

I was sad when my son left for college. His dad says it’s not time for the tears. Yet.

Parenting police strike again

Parenting police strike again

A South Carolina single mom is arrested -- for leaving her 9-year-old daughter at a park to play while she goes to work at McDonald’s.

The kid in the kitchen

The kid in the kitchen

Luca Trabocchi, son of restaurateurs, is a 10-year-old with a passion for cooking.

I’m a mom with cancer

I’m a mom with cancer

Terri Rupar recently found out she has treatable cancer. The young mother will detail her journey here.

Messy house? That’s okay

Messy house? That’s okay

He thought a messy house was a sign of a lazy stay at home mom. Then he realized two things -- this was their mess, and if the house was clean the kids missed out.


How to raise kind children

How to raise kind children

Here are some strategies from a Harvard project on how to raise kids to be caring and respectful.

Is mom breastfeeding infant at concert having it all or going too far?

Is mom breastfeeding infant at concert having it all or going too far?

Having a baby changes your life. How much should it limit a parent’s choices?

Be nice! 5 ways to teach your children to be kind

Be nice! 5 ways to teach your children to be kind

Think your kids are being raised to be kind? Think again. A Harvard researcher and psychologist has 5 ways to train your child to be kind and empathetic.

Type A and pregnant, a lesson

Type A and pregnant, a lesson

She is a self-described Type A person. The first trimester of pregnancy has already shown her she’s going to have to let go.

I chose not to breastfeed and got big-time judged

I chose not to breastfeed and got big-time judged

Breastfeeding is a hot topic -- and one rife with judgments.

Are we hurting families or protecting kids?

Are we hurting families or protecting kids?

The 9-year-old asked to play at the park while her mom worked. Now the mom is in jail and the girl is in foster care.

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Planes: Fire and Rescue’

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Planes: Fire and Rescue’

Movie reviews with kids in mind. This week: the continuing adventures of Dusty Crophopper. Plus “Boyhood.”

Mom needs to apologize this time

Mom needs to apologize this time

She disagrees with her son’s girlfriend on many things, but maybe she’s the one to apologize.


Why I was wrong to trash poster board projects

I said they were time wasters, but teachers have shown me how they prepare kids for the workplace

6 tips to keep kids safe on social media

6 tips to keep kids safe on social media

There’s no denying kids will be involved in social media. How do you help them navigate it safely?

What to do with kids this weekend

What to do with kids this weekend

Are your kids already saying they’re bored? They won’t be if you try one of these events this weekend.

Why is a night nurse so controversial?

Why is a night nurse so controversial?

A night nurse can give parents a chance to rest and heal. Why is it so controversial?

Uber and kids. Um, yay.

Uber and kids. Um, yay.

Ever wish you could throw your littlest one in a cab but there was no carseat?

The kids are away. Now what?

The kids are away. Now what?

Don’t know what to do when the kids are away at camp? Oh, come on!

I thought I hated summer

I thought I hated summer

I expected this summer to be chaotic. Now I’m begging it to stay.

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’

Movie reviews with kids in mind: This week, a post-apocalyptic action sequel.


Parenting advice: Help for raising children of all ages

Family Almanac columnist Marguerite Kelly discussed the ups and downs of parenting, and tips for helping children through challenging times.


Children of deported parents speak out

Children of deported parents speak out

A group, including children whose parents had been deported, gathered on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to talk about the effect U.S. immigration policy has on families.

Poll: Who does most of the work in your home?

Poll: Who does most of the work in your home?

Tell us and read about a couple that tries to split it 50/50.

Tips for stress-busting from a working parent

Tips for stress-busting from a working parent

How Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg, a working father living in Annandale, handles it all.

A day in the life of the Sandoval-Moshenbergs

A day in the life of the Sandoval-Moshenbergs

The day starts early and ends late for these working parents.

Leaving the ‘burbs behind to travel for seven months

Leaving the ‘burbs behind to travel for seven months

This dad and his family are traveling for seven months in an Airstream trailer. Are they nuts? Or are you envious?

How does he do it? Annandale father on balancing work, family.

How does he do it? Annandale father on balancing work, family.

Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg switched jobs and took a pay cut to have more time for family.


Go all new-school on bullying

Go all new-school on bullying

It’s time to transfer 11-year-old victim to a better education environment.

A healthful bean dip, dressed in pink

A healthful bean dip, dressed in pink

How to get a finicky 3-year-old daughter to eat healthfully.

10 things I want my daughters to know about marriage

He comes from a broken home and knows he had a lot to learn about marriage. Here are 10 things he wants his daughters to know.

What to know before you spray your lawn with pesticides

Despite warnings, there are still health risks linked to products often used to kill weeds and bugs.

Five ways to help your child with autism cope with summer’s relaxed schedule

Five ways to help your child with autism cope with summer’s relaxed schedule

Summer fun can sometimes turn into summer overload for kids who thrive in the structured school environment. Lauren Kenworthy offers suggestions on how to keep the meltdowns to a minimum.

Being like a girl is an important lesson for boys

The new #likeagirl ad aims to increase girls’ self-confidence. It also should be a good lesson for boys.


Civilities: Do I introduce my child as my ‘transgender son’?

Civilities: Do I introduce my child as my ‘transgender son’?

Etiquette guidance for the parent of a transgender man — and general thoughts on trans identity.


Driven to independence

Driven to independence

Why the relationship between child and car is a metaphor for parenthood.

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Earth to Echo’ and ‘Tammy’

Family Filmgoer reviews ‘Earth to Echo’ and ‘Tammy’

Movie reviews with kids in mind: This week, a sci-fi ad­ven­ture about a group of kids who find a lost alien.

His son regressed in potty training. Now what?

His son regressed in potty training. Now what?

Advice for a bathroom dawdler’s parents from Marguerite Kelly.


A graduation conundrum for students with disabilities

Who should decide the requirements: state legislatures or school districts?

Read it and weep: 9-year-old doesn’t need mom for this anymore

Read it and weep: 9-year-old doesn’t need mom for this anymore

They all used to read together before bed. But this 9-year-old has taken it to a new level. Mom interviews her here.

8 things not to do at your next birthday party

8 things not to do at your next birthday party

Kids birthday parties seem like such a simple thing to do. They never end up that way. Here are eight things not to do, from a woman who knows.