Bible prophecy articles, events, charts & videos about the end times concerning the tribulation and last days rapture of the tribulation saints

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The Tribulation Institute

Rapture, Tribulation and End Time Studies 


 The Beginning of Sorrows is soon upon us. Learn the truth about the rapture and the tribulation, the 144,000, two witnesses.  This is not you typical book on the endtimes you normally see at the bookstores or hear on TV!  No rapture truth left behind!!

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End times sequence of events during the tribulation period and rapture as depicted in the Book of Revelation..


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What's Up

Who is the House of Israel?

Star of David

Israel Poem


Security Council Resolutions

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

 World War III


Future Israel

Islam & UN

Syria and World War III

Rothschild NWO Temple in Israel

Israel's 3rd Temple

Israel and Freemasonry


See Project Megiddo ?                            Government Tyranny in America

  Survival Emergency Checklist  

   Top 10 Prepping Mistakes

  Top Ten Survival Items You Must Have 


Knowing or unknowing pawns of Satan in the bringing about of false future capital of the world in Israel.New World Order star of David (actually Solomon) and the end times deception of the false Jews in Israel

Will they start World War III in 2014 and bring about the new future Israel?

 Masonic Altar in Israel.  First thing you see when you enter Israel from Egypt!

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CONCERNING THE MODERN ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL (One that only recognizes Jews as Israel), Israel and THE UNITED NATIONS & Israel and WORLD WAR III !

"If the biblical Israelites have been misidentified, then it is inevitable that significant errors in doctrinal interpretation and prophetic application have occurred as well".  Mission to Israel Ministries

There are many Jews that are not Zionist's!

"The Zionists are NOT Jews according to RACE. Rather, they are the DESCENDANTS of a HOARD OF PAGANS who pressed into Russia in the first century of our era and in due time became PROSELYTES of Judaism. In 692 A.D., they formed the Khazar Kingdom. In 955 A.D., Russia conquered them. They are neither JEWS BY RACE , nor are the GENUINELY JEWISH IN RELIGION . They PASS THEMSELVES OFF AS JEWS , AND PRETEND that they are descendants of ISRAEL , and therefore, have RIGHT TO PALESTINE as their homeland, but they are FALSE IN THEIR CLAIMS AND ARE IRRELIGIOUS in their living. The ORTHODOX Jews who have long been settled in Hebron, Jerusalem, Tiberias, and Safed, DO NOT WELCOME THEM to the Holy Land. Orthodox and Reformed Jews alike DISCLAIM ALL SYMPATHY WITH THEM, and DISOWN THEM ."  Larry Meguiar "Jacob I loved, Esau I hated

(For further proof of this, see the Editorial, "Orthodox Jews Protest Against Zionism".)

The One State debate in Israel.


What is really happening in a nutshell?

      (Updated after US Presidential election in November 2012)

Israel Supreme Court Building a Masonic 3rd Temple in Jerusalem?


 (However, THEY ARE used by Yah/God to reveal His Glory in us as His children, and for HIM to fulfill HIS PLAN in the earth, which is the restoration of all things, including the restoration of both houses of Israel (Northern House of Israel consisting of ten tribes and the Southern House of Judah consisting of two tribes called Jews) into one Nation under HIM, and the re- possession of the land of Israel/Palestine by them, who are the true Nation of Israel (12 tribes) who are the born-again descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who Yah changed his name to Israel.)

  • World War III (War with Iran, Iraq & Syria against Israel) will begin with the United Nations ultimately getting involved which makes it World War III, probably immediately after Israel out of desperation pulls out its bombs, missiles or even its nukes against its neighbors aggression or its attempt to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities without the help of the US administration, or should the Syrian conflict expand into Israel with possible use of chemical weapons into Israel , or some country unforeseen may ignite it.  The main point is that it will start.


  • The world will cry for the United Nations to intervene.  Then the UN will be backed by both the US and Great Britain's governments, and probably NATO which includes Turkey!  Russia and China will agree to come against Israel as well, as the both of them are supporters of the Iranian and Syrian regimes already!


  • Then during the defeat of Persia (Iraq, Iran and Syria) by the UN contingency of mostly American troops, martial law will be declared in the U.S. by President Obama because of civil unrest, economic collapse etc., which gives the UN automatic authority to take over military peacekeeping in the US with its huge two million man Russian and German troop contingency already in the US through previous UN military training treaties during the Clinton administration, and those who are on the Red and Yellow list are taken to concentration camps scattered around the US, which were former military bases that were closed during the Clinton era.


  • And then comes the Destruction of America at the hands of German, Russian UN troops, and Muslim brotherhood cells in the US, who will kill all New World Order dissenters, (mostly those who still adhere to the true gospel of the Messiah of Israel, Yahshua, whom we falsely call Jesus or the son of Zeus) and those who oppose their inclusiveness stance for all religions, and their rejection of radical religion groups such as radical Islam, and born again Jews and Gentile Christians!


  • which gives the rise of the last 4 kingdoms on the earth (Great Britain, Russia, Germany, and the UN ruling them, and dividing the world into 10 regions, thus doing away with nation-states) which are the Socialist Russian red beast, the Great Britain Lion beast, and the German Leopard beast.  All are socialistic and the UN terrible beast is as well, now that the US no longer exists, but swallowed up by the America Union Region consisting of Canada, US and Mexico, via Clinton NAFTA agreement.



  • and with eventually his father Satan ruling with him after his being kicked out of heaven (Rev.12:9,10), because of the birth of the manchild (Rev.12:5, 6, 9, 10, 12) when he, Satan, heals his son's deadly wound (Rev.13:3,4), resulting in the false Millennial Kingdom of Satan and his son of perdition, the little horn antichrist!

You have been mislead by leaders in the institutionalized false church of the modern religion of Christianity concerning the modern State of Israel, the current United States government, Judaism and the rapture!!!

True Christians are Yah's/God's chosen people, not the false Jews (for they are Edomomites) of the synagogue of Satan ( Revelation2:9 ) who rule the false secular Nation of Israel today and who fly the flag of the star of David on it!!!

The current gathering of the Jews (actually false Jews) to the land of Israel is not the biblical fulfillment of Yah gathering HIS people (ISRAEL) back to their land. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL JEWS THERE ARE OF THIS GROUP!!

This is the false re-gathering of His people Israel (Romans 11:25,26,27) by man's endeavor (Great Britain and the false Jews, the Khazars) to set up the false Nation of Israel by the Russian Edomites who are the false Zionist Jews of the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 ) where the King of England will be King over the false 12 Tribes of Israel, he claiming to be of the tribe of Dan, along with the coming little horn Antichrist and finally by both him and his father Satan himself for another 42 months!!

True Israel are the two houses of Israel ppt, of which 144,000 are all believers in Yahshua (Rev.7:3,4 & Rev.14:1,2,3,4,5) consisting of all twelve tribes, that through their belief in Yahshua/Jesus and Yahwah/God, are true Israel (the election of grace) (Romans 11:5,7 and Romans 11:28) and Yah will supernaturally bring them back to their promised land!!!

But before that, Jerusalem will become the capital of the world (New World Order) and the new seat of the United Nations, when America is destroyed and along with the Pope, King or Prince of England, and the Little Horn (Daniel 7:8, 20 ) (the antichrist) ruling from there (and taking the daily sacrifice away ppt starting the last 2300 days before Yahshua returns) and eventually Satan himself ruling with him when the sons of Yah are manifested (birth from the woman which is the true church of Yah/God) ushering in the final Great Tribulation of 3 1/2 years (Matthew 24:21) and staging the false rapture!

If you are supporting the ungodly secular government of Israel today, then you are supporting the synagogue of SATAN ( Revelation 2:9 ) ( Revelation 2:9 ) !!!

NSA spying never catches Israelis - Why not?

You know it really doesn't matter how World War III begins, but the fact is it will.

The Luciferian Rothschilds (Edomites and false Jews of the synagogue of Satan: Heads of the Illuminati, false church and false religion of Christianity, Learned Elders of Zion) and all the many other various groups and secret organizations influenced by them, plan to BUILD A NEW TEMPLE and set up Jerusalem as the capital of the world for the son of perdition and Satan to rule the peoples of the entire earth to rule from! They will rule most of the earth's people, but not all!!

Many of the world's religions have the same goal in mind (Islam, Judaism, Christianity), but only Yahshua/Jesus will accomplish it in the end and forever. All nations and people will worship the King of Kings!! (Rev.19:15-21)

Not all the world rulers, nor the rulers of lesser nations are necessarily knowingly working for the Rothschilds per se, but they are nevertheless being controlled by them inadvertently. They are either aligned with them or are unknowingly manipulated by them, to bring about their desired results of the NEW WORLD ORDER which is a uniting of nations (UNITED NATIONS) under one world government, but not under the control of the United States of America, but a NEW world order!!!

Many of the world's leaders have their own inspirations, but nonetheless they do the bidding of the world's most powerful people who rule the world behind the scenes, which are the 

Illuminati Masonic Rothschilds of Great Britain!!!

They were behind the formation of the United Nations, and steer it to accomplish their goals, and oftentimes to the uninitiated it may seem contrary to their plan, but it isn't. Satan and his adversaries are a worthy foe because of their promulgated confusion and deception, however the sons of Yah are overcomers!!

They want conflict in the land of Israel/Palestine to achieve their goal of world domination from their capital city of Jerusalem, to set up the false kingdom of god (kingdom of Satan, the false god who wants to be like Yah/God and receive the worship of all human beings, especially those of the household of Yah)!!

The Rothschilds play both sides of the fence in world geopolitics to achieve their goals. Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. They cause the problem, have the answer to the problem, and thus achieve their goal!!

Even though the current United Nations are anti American and anti Israel, they will in the end align themselves with the false nation of Israel, after Islam is crushed completely when Satan returns at the beginning of the Great Tribulation of the last 3 1/2 years, not when the antichrist begins his rule.

By UN resolution, they want the government in Israel today to return to the pre 1967 borders, which includes part of Jerusalem including the Wailing Wall where the Jews pray, which means the Palestinian Arabs would not let them pray there any longer in my opinion, which would also be the taking away of the daily (sacrifice is in italics and not in original manuscript)! (Daniel 8:11, 11:31, 12:11). The government of Israel will not agree to this now which would in my opinion, if forced, cause World War III to ensue.

Also the president of Iran wants to destroy Israel and the United States, along with the Hamas and Hezbollah, which rule in the Palestinian Gaza Strip as well as Lebanon.

Iran's threat of soon having a nuclear bomb with which to launch on Israel and/or the United States, may in fact cause Israel to launch a preemptive strike on Iran, thus causing World War III ppt to break out!

Israel wanted the US a year ago to sell them bunker busting bombs to penetrate the underground secret nuclear facilities of Iran.

Only today, Sept. 24, 2011 has President Barack Obama agreed to do so!!

The Rothschilds are playing all sides and assuring that World War III will ensue, and thus assuring that it will be nuclear as well, so that the Arab nations will increase their Jihad against the West after Persia which is Iran, Syria & Iraq. [(Iran also known as Elam) (Jer.49:36, 37, 38, 39), Syria (Jer.49:23, 24, 25, 26, 27) & Iraq)] is destroyed in the war! [(See also Dan.8:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) which is the story of the he-goat ppt (USA) and the ram with two horns (Iran and Syria]

These are the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:6,7,8) which precede the Great Tribulation of 3 1/2 years of the end!

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas asked the United Nations Friday to recognize the Palestinian State, of which the US would veto any such measure.

All sounds confusing, but all in the name of bringing war to Israel, the Middle East and the World and the rise of the world Zionist regime of the false Jews, the Rothschilds and their cohorts in Israel and the ensuing capital of the world Jerusalem, as New York City will cease being the seat of the beast, when it and America is Destroyed after destroying Iran, Syria in World War III !!!

I also believe that the Islamic Mosque in Jerusalem will be destroyed during World War III, and possibly the Wailing Wall as well

(Wailing Wall & Dome of the Rock behind it)

so that Solomon's Temple can be rebuilt, but it will be a Masonic Temple for the little horn antichrist to rule from, and later for he and his father Satan (known as Lucifer the star god i.e. Star of Solomon) who will sit in its throne as God (II Thess.2:3,4) and rule with his son there (Rev.13:1, 2, 3, 4, 5) when he is (Rev. 12:8, 9) kicked out of the 2nd heaven, i.e. Outer Space, which is the beginning of the Great Tribulation of 3 1/2 years.

This is when Satan who is the abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15) is kicked out of heaven and stands in the holy place of Jerusalem, and when the real Jews, the woman (Rev.12:13) who are the Reformed Ones, not the false Jews of the synagogue of Satan, flee into the mountains in the wilderness from Judea as told by Yahshua (Matthew 24:16, 17) from the sight of the beast and who become believers in the true Messiah in the last day before HE returns to set up HIS KINGDOM and remove all unbelievers!

The Jews will not rebuild the temple and offer animal sacrifices in it again. The false Jews will rebuild a temple, Solomon's Temple, and worship Lucifer, just as he and his wives did in his later years. There will be sacrifices, but they will not be animal sacrifices, but human ones (true Christians, or believers in Yahshua the true Messiah of true Israel), who don't go along with the New World Order set up in Israel !

Jefferson A. Forrester

Two Houses of True Israel ppt

PowerPoint Slide of the Fight Between Israel's Two Brothers ppt

Benjamin Netanyahu 'On the Record,' Part One Video

Benjamin Netanyahu "On the Record," Part Two Video

President plays both sides of the fence at U.N. Video on Obama's Foreign Policy Failures Sep 23, 2011- 7:14









American Police State

New World Order 2014

Possible Crisis in America in 2014

Last Move of God

Last 4 Kingdoms

  It's Going To End Badly

Syria and World War III

Iran Last Pope
Turkey and World War III Civil War Coming to America in 2014

New American Revolution 2014?

Rothschild Temple in Jerusalem

Internment Camps in America

Year 2014 in Prophecy 

Year 2014 in Bible Prophecy

2014 End of the World?

Is Martial Law Coming to America in 2014 Special Note for 2014
Duck Dynasty and Free Speech 2014 Economic Predictions

Soldiers of Christ

Mental and Spiritual Training for End Times

Off the Grid Survival Skills Center

Jeff's Rocky Mtn. Survival Training

Tribulation News

End time prophecy news with America in the spotlight and New World Order events leading up to the tribulation

Amerika In the News In Prophecy

CLICK ME AND Visit the Tribulation News for the up to date news on the coming tribulation to the world and the USA!

Drones over America

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cowboy.jpg (807039 bytes)    The Transformer Magazine.  Shows the infiltration of the New Age into the church.  My beginnings in the ministry in 1986

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The New World Order Progress Report

Deceived in Babylon

  Bloodlines of the Illuminati

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     The masons, Rothschilds and Zionist are the New World Order !!   The pentagram 6 sided figure and the Star of David has nothing to do with King David of the Bible ppt

Star Of David

New World Order star of David (actually Solomon) and the end times deception of the false Jews in Israel

Israel Deception

Real Jew News 

The Illuminati and the Federal Reserve Bank.  Read the articles here and get ready to be shocked if you do not already know about the FED, the Illuminati, and Zionism, all from a Jew's perspective!!!

What Do You Know?

World War III

The New AmeriKa

The New World Order is the inventor of terrorism, not the Middle East.  Terrorism in America will begin a new phase soon.  See for yourself who is behind the terrorism in America and what is coming during the end times now quickly approaching!

All Sorts of Data


American Police State

The End Times False Prophet New ppt

Deceived in Babylon

The best book I have ever read about America being Babylon in the Book of Revelation.  Hard to take being an American, but my citizenship is in Heaven, that is coming to earth at the end of the Great Tribulation after the rapture at the end of the saints of Yah.

America the Babylon

The Years 2012 & 2013 

Preparation for the Tribulation Series

The E Chronicles

 3 Novel Series

Read what is more likely to happen in the world than what the  left behind series espouses.  See the beginnings already happening today as you read this thrilling novel about the coming mark of  the beast and how the US government plans to bring it about.  The headlines on today's newcasts will begin to be put in their proper perspective.

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A Novel Series

About the Coming Mark of the Beast?

"Preparation for the Tribulation Saints"

3 Non-Fiction Series

Tribulation and rapture  truth not found in most other end time books available.  A must read for the end times quickly approaching the world.  Don't be deceived by false teachers and prophets in the church!

"No Rapture Truth Left Behind" 

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A Non-Fiction Series

About who the Tribulation Saints are and what they do!

No Truth Left Behind- Rapture: Tribulation Saints: Full Book

Tim LaHaye and False End Times Teaching

Tim LaHaye & Left  Behind

False teachings leading the saints of Yah/God into heresy and end time tribulation they will not be prepared to handle as they should.  Most misleading and dangerous series on the end times.

Obama won the 2016 US election and now has four more years to bring about the visions of his father!  BEWARE OF THE DESTRIUCTION OF AMERICA as we have always known it!

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Get all the current news from around the world on topics pertaining the the coming tribulation and the New World Order end times right here on one page WORLD NEWS LINKS

Want to become an overcomer and overcome the evil New World Order plans for you and escape the horrible things coming to the earth by the power of Yah/God, then learn what is on the pages of this one of a kind website dedicated to arming the end time saint and the manchild.


The Manifestation of the 

Sons of Yahwah/God

This is what the New World Order wants for two thirds of the planet earth.  They want to bring the earth back into sustainable levels, which according to them is two billion people, not seven billion people.  They plane to eliminate 5 billion people from the earth by their evil means.  War, abortion, homosexuality and lesbianism, euphunasia, famine and other means.  You can escape their assualt that is being racheted up as you read this.

Whose Really Left Behind

Click here to see!!


Surviving the Rise of 



Islam and the UN article!