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Red Cross, local TV stations to hold fundraiser on Friday

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The local Red Cross Society, together with three television stations, held an emergency meeting yesterday to promote a fundraising event in Kaohsiung on Friday, Aug. 7 for victims of that city's gas explosions.

Since the site of the explosions is near the national team training center at Zuoying, the Chinese Television Service (CTS, 中華電視台) and its collaborator in televising Asian Games events Videoland Television (VL, 緯來電視台), wished to launch a campaign for athletes to pray for Kaohsiung in a show of gratitude.

The Red Cross, VL, CTS and the Public Television Service(PTS, 公共電視台) decided to organize a fundraising event during the emergency meeting yesterday. Their aim is to call on people's help and to raise public awareness, and to show their concern for the victims of the multiple explosions in Kaohsiung.

The event will begin at 7 p.m. and end around midnight. Currently, the organizers are planning to invite singers, actors, players from the Chinese Professional Baseball League and representative players of the Asian Games to man fundraising hotlines.

Meanwhile, the fundraising organizers are planning to invite famous bands to perform and renowned hosts to present the event.

The said organizers hope for people from across the world to join in this event, and to help and pray for Kaohsiung together.

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