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Posts tagged ‘IQ’

Pursuit of PERMAnent Happiness

Cynthia Sue Larson

Cynthia Sue Larson

I was overjoyed this past month to hear Martin Seligman, “father of positive psychology” speak at a commencement address about a model of happiness consisting of five components that together spell out the acronym, “PERMA.” These are: P for positive emotions, E for engagement, R for relationships, M for meaning, and A for accomplishment. At Martin’s web site,, you can see where your sense of humor fits, and how you and those you care about are doing in terms of happiness. These five components are tremendously important to an overall and lasting sense of flourishing–and are more at the core of what positive psychology is all about than pursuit of (often fleeting) positive emotion happiness. 

I’m glad to see that Martin Seligman is working to educate and train more than one million people serving in the United States Army, helping to improve levels of happiness in the armed forces… as well as assisting service men and women realize that growth is possible after traumatic stress, and that post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) isn’t the only outcome–most people are able to ‘dust themselves off’ and rise above previous setbacks, even when multiple traumatic events have occurred.

Martin Seligman Flourish

Martin Seligman, “Flourish”

Positive Emotions

Surprisingly, positive emotion is not the true key to PERMAnent happiness, as it’s something having to do with our set ranges of highly heritable general happiness. Positive emotions such as optimism can be taught, and when we learn to raise our levels of positive emotions, we get the benefit of viewing the world as a generally more positive place. Negative emotions such as depression and anxiety are reduced, when people learn to better handle stress in their lives. A simple exercise that has been proven highly effective at improving positive emotions is to every day before going to bed for the night, write down three things that went especially well that day, along with reasons why you believe those things went so well. This idea of “hunting the good stuff,” as one US soldier enrolled in Seligman’s program put it, is acknowledged by many soldiers suffering from long-term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to make a tremendous positive difference to the point of eventually being able to identify as post-traumatic growth veterans, as mentioned in the New York Times article, Post Traumatic Stress’s Surprisingly Positive Flip Side:

“Seligman’s theory is that if soldiers can be taught to approach a situation as General Cornum did naturally — with gratitude for being alive rather than distress at being taken prisoner — then they might learn to become resilient, too. A core principle of the program is seeing an event as neutral, neither bad nor good, and focusing instead on your reaction to the event.


The quality of Engagement is something we have a fair bit of control over, as it’s the degree to which we are fully engaged in activities where we lose track of the world thanks to feeling at one with what we are doing. When we’re using our highest strengths to just match the challenges that come our way, we’re in a state of flow. This kind of engagement gives us a kind of natural high, and a sense of sanity based on feeling good about working with our moral and character strengths such as kindness and fairness (which are different from talents such as having perfect pitch or a high IQ that are means to an end). People who use their strengths more have been scientifically evaluated to feel more in a state of flow… and some strengths, such as self-discipline, have been shown in scholarly studies to be twice as good at indicating subsequent scholastic success in college as IQ scores. You can find your signature strengths at Martin’s website at — and Seligman recommends utilizing your highest signature strengths when doing things you might not otherwise enjoy. You can recraft your tasks and activities with your greatest strengths to start better enjoying all parts of life, by being better engaged. I took the (free!) VIA Survey of Character Strengths assessment this past month, and discovered my top five strengths include: Spirituality, Hope, Perspective, Curiosity and Gratitude.


The third ingredient in PERMA is relationships, and it’s also something we have the ability to improve. Intriguingly, there is a measurement by which 60 American corporations were evaluated for economic success and the ratio of positive to negative words that are said in those companies, and it’s called the Losada Ratio. It was found that corporations where the ratio of positive single words to negative words is 2.9 and greater are flourishing, whereas those in which the ratio of positive single words to negative single words was between 1 and 2.9 were stagnating, and those with ratios where negative words exceeded positive words were going under. Ratios of positive to negative words need to be substantially higher than just 2.9 to 1 in romantic relationships, with a ratio of 5 positive words to every 1 negative word providing for strong marriages that likely won’t end in divorce. The idea here is that we have to provide some kinds of critical feedback to those closest in our lives, and when the background environment is predominantly positive, our relationships thrive so people really hear us, rather than treat us as the enemy. We can make active constructive remarks when hearing good news from friends and family, by asking questions that help the person relive the experience from the point of view of their highest strengths… asking what the real reasons were that they think these good things happened to them.


Meaning is the act of belonging to and serving something that we feel is larger than we are… and having a sense of purpose in the world by serving something larger. When we are altruistic, and do something for others, we live according to the extremely social side of human nature. Doing something helpful for someone else is empirically the most effective way to boost our mood. Finding ways to make best use of doing what we love to do, or utilizing some of our unique strengths while being of service to something bigger than ourselves is especially rewarding and uplifting.


Having a sense of accomplishment, mastery and achievement is another area we can influence. All five of these elements are measurable. The ability to set and achieve goals provides us with the ability to see measurable results in our lives, and recognize that we’re able to do what we set out to do, when our goals are measurable and realistic.

I hope you’ll enjoy watching and sharing my YouTube video summary of Pursuit of PERMAnent Happiness–and please feel free to leave comments either on this blog or on my YouTube video page!

I hope you’ll ask “How good can it get?!” while contemplating ways you can increase happiness in your life… envisioning more and better positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishments to come!

Love always,

Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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How You Play Words with Friends Can Boost Your IQ

Cynthia Sue Larson

A fascinating recent research study utilizing generations of evolving digital neural networks indicates that teamwork boosts intelligence. What’s so remarkable about this study conducted at Dublin’s Theoretical Ecology Research Group, is that it suggests those of us who play games cooperatively, rather than purely competitively, stand to benefit from marked signs of intellectual improvement. Scientists have long observed a connection between intelligence and social animals (who are often cooperative), and lead author Luke McNally pointed out that while intelligence facilitates cooperation, it does not necessarily lead to it. How then might we develop greater intelligence through cooperation in our daily lives?

As it turns out, games provide us with a wonderful way to practice cooperation on a regular basis. My grandmother loved to play Scrabble, which is something I hadn’t much reflected upon in a while … that is, until I played Words with Friends. Aha! I realized upon first playing this online game that appears to all intents and purposes identical to the classic Scrabble board game. So this is what all the fuss is about! This is why actor Alec Baldwin was kicked off an American Airlines flight last December for refusing to stop playing the game on his iPad. And what a surprise … it’s Scrabble!

The next surprise for me was the way my grandmother’s Scrabble teachings sprang instantly to mind as soon as I began playing Words with Friends. The way my grandma taught me to play Scrabble was not exactly the same way it’s usually played by most everyone else. My grandmother played Scrabble so often that she had memorized all acceptable two and three letter words in her Scrabble dictionary, and she played the game with the seasoned skill of a New York speed chess player.

The biggest lesson I gleaned from playing Scrabble with my Mor Mor (which means mother’s mother in Swedish) is that in each and every game, she always played cooperatively. Maybe she’s being so thoughtful of me because I’m just a young girl, I used to think, but as the years went by and I grew up, I saw this was not the case.

My mom plays Scrabble with Mor Mor

My mom plays Scrabble with Mor Mor

“Let’s see what we can make from those letters,” Mor Mor would say to encourage me, as I saw I had the strangest assortment of consonants with not a single vowel. “We just need to find a place where you can connect to a vowel,” and “We can fill in the entire board, if we stretch this word up, and the next one can build from there,” she’d suggest.

Essentially, my Mor Mor taught me how to play cooperatively with others in a way that helps everyone win, making each move with the primary goal being to do what is best for all players–not simply what’s best for oneself.

I see in retrospect how this Win-Win approach to life was so much a part of my grandmother’s cooperative philosophy on life. I’m amazed that even today I’m still learning important life lessons from our friendly games of Scrabble.

Thanks to recent research studies, I’m now considering ways that playing Words With Friends could be played cooperatively to help boost our intelligence while we play. We can ask what letters other players have, and offer to help find ways to place their words on the board. We can also share with others when we feel stuck, and wonder if perhaps they might see something we’re missing. We can focus attention on our combined point totals for each game, rather than our individual score, or whether we won or lost a particular game. Most of all, we can stretch our ability to think by constantly keeping in mind how what we do can help make things better for everyone. And the more I think about it, the more important such cooperation seems to me.

Scrabble Reality Shifts

Scrabble Reality Shifts

I hope you’ll enjoy watching and sharing my YouTube video summary of How You Play Words with Friends Can Help Boost Your IQ–and please feel free to leave comments either on this blog or on my YouTube video page!

Thinking about new ways to bring cooperation into everything we do certainly does stretch the imagination–and clearly that’s a good thing, in more ways than one. And all of this helps expand what we imagine possible when we contemplate my favorite meditative question, “How good can it get?!”

Love always,

Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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