The Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash




Autopsies for Medical Research and Training

by Rav Chaim Navon

There is a fascinating debate regarding autopsies, beginning with a seminal teshuva of the Noda Bi-Yehuda and continuing until our day... »Read More»


Tu be-Av and the Secret of Jewish Regeneration

by Rav Yair Kahn

The Gemara mentions six reasons why the 15th of Av is a joyful day. Is there any common thread to these reasons? »Read More»

Parashat ha-Shavua

By What Right Does Israel Inherit the Land?

by Rav Mordechai Sabato

Moshe devotes more than thirty verses to proving to the nation that it is not by their righteousness that they will possess the land, but rather by virtue of the oath to the forefathers. Why is it so important to Moshe to emphasize this point? »Read More »

Hilkhot Moadim: The Laws of the Festivals

I Kings: Torn in Two

Celebrated NEW books by the VBM's Rav David Brofsky and Rav Alex Israel! »Order here»

Majesty and Humility: The Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

By Rav Reuven Ziegler

By analyzing R. Soloveitchik's writings in an accessible and engaging manner, this comprehensive study uncovers the depth, majesty and fascination of his thought. »Order here»

In His Mercy: Understanding the Thirteen Midot

By Rav Ezra Bick

A study of the theology of the Divine Attributes of Mercy through the lenses of the Talmud, Midrash and commentators. »Order here»

In Memory of Moreinu Harav Yehuda Amital zt"l

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The Virtual Beit Midrash is dedicated in memory of

Israel Koschitzky zt"l

by his children and grandchildren

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