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Arnica is a Must-Have for French Olympic Team

by boiron on September 12th, 2012

The 2012 Summer Olympics may have ended, but many of us are still in awe over this year’s athletes’ abilities and accomplishments. Every Olympian is proof that hard work and sacrifice pays off—even when injury could threaten to take it all away. With this in mind, physical therapist and osteopath for the French basketball team Fabrice Gautier makes it a priority to do everything he can to keep his players healthy to help them achieve their goals. He says one of his must-have medicines is Arnica, a popular pain-relieving homeopathic medicine.

“Arnica has been a great help following serious hits with our players. They developed an automatic reaction to take the pellets after each hard contact, knock, fall or sprain,” says Gautier. “It really does accelerate the healing process and reduce the soreness. It has been a great companion during our Olympic run, and I am sure [it will continue to be in] the years to come.”

Arnica is the active ingredient in Boiron’s Arnicare pain relievers, available in both topical and oral forms. For more information on Arnicare and to print a $1 off coupon, click here.

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