Best of AOP - Galaxies

NGC 578

At 70 million light years away, NGC 578 floats majestically amid many other far away galaxies. Small blue and pink regions hint at the sparkle and stellar life being created in this galaxy. One background galaxy (right of the center) is almost eclipsed by NGC 578- and seems to protrude from the galaxy itself. In reality it is many millions of light years beyond...

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Last Updated: 25-Feb-2014

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20in RC Optical Systems telescope Operating at f/8.1

Paramount ME Robotic Telescope Mount

SBIG ST10XME CCD camera with color filter wheel

LRGB color production was used to create this image.

This object is fairly low in the southern sky as viewed from Kitt Peak.

Digital Development (DDP) via Maxim/DL was also used in order to display the very dim and very bright details of

the image simultaneously.

Luminance = 105 minutes binned 1x1

Red = 20 minutes binned 2x2

Green = 20 minutes binned 2x2

Blue = 20 minutes binned 2x2

Minimum credit line: Adam Block/NOAO/AURA/NSF