The TeX Users Group (TUG) was founded in 1980 to provide an organization for people who are interested in typography and font design, and/or are users of the TeX typesetting system invented by Donald Knuth.

TUG is a not-for-profit organization by, for, and of its members, also representing the interests of TeX users worldwide. It is almost entirely member-supported, so if you use any TeX-related programs (TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, Metafont, MetaPost, Texinfo, et al.), please consider joining TUG (or any other TeX user group).

TUG membership benefits include our journal TUGboat (available both in print and online), as well as the TeX software collection (TeX Live, proTeXt, MacTeX, etc.). TUG also runs an annual TeX conference. (See links at left for more TUG activities.)

If you are new to TeX and are looking for a system to install, or have questions to ask, click here to get started.

The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) is the primary repository for TeX-related software on the Internet. CTAN has many thousands of items; the TeX Catalogue and CTAN search page can help you find what you need.

Latest CTAN updates CTAN RSS feed - biblatex-bookinarticle - garamondx - biblatex-manuscripts-philology - chemformula - gitinfo2 - eledmac - yathesis - teubner - hktex - drm - eledmac and eledpar - flowfram - jmlr - ptmsc - tracklang - acronym - erewhon - qrcode - bidipresentation - ledmac - babel - hyperxmp - tcolorbox - pst2pdf - dantelogo - animate - bnumexpr - assoccnt - ieeetran - lettrine - ieeetrantools - getmap - xq - babel-greek - babel-french - interactiveplot - facture - biblatex-true-citepages-omit - l3kernel - guitarchordschemes - exsheets - greek-inputenc - zhnumber - dktools - bidi-atbegshi - pressrelease - UPmethodology - lettre - _(dad) - schule - texlive-dummy-enterpriselinux-6 - latex2e_required_tools - latex2e_kernel - listings - parisa - luatex-ja - siunitx - texlive-dummy-enterprise-linux - beamerdarkthemes - glossaries - ebgaramond-maths - texlive-dummy-opensuse - ot-tableau - bangorcsthesis - hktex (former diwtex) - sclang-prettifier - pkgloader - lt3graph - graphbox - catoptions - almfixed - classico - lshort-spanish - afparticle - bundledoc - caladea - pst-spirograph

News TUG RSS feed

Upcoming Events (comprehensive meeting list, other calendars)

  • GuIT 2014, Verona, Italy, October 18, 2014.
  • BachoTeX 2015, Bachotek, Poland, April 29-May 3, 2015.
  • TUG 2015, Darmstadt, Germany, July 20-22, 2015.
Recent Events

Contact Us
TeX Users Group
PO Box 2311
Portland, OR 97208-2311
Robin Laakso,
  executive director
voice: +1 503-223-9994
fax: +1 815-301-3568
administrative email:
web site email:
TeXnical support email:
   (publicly archived)
board of directors:

Many thanks to all the individual and institutional members, as well as our donors, who keep TUG going. If you're not already a member, please consider joining TUG, and thanks.

TUG also gratefully acknowledges the support of the Aarhus University in Denmark and its Computer Science Department for our Internet access.

Updated: $Date: 2014/10/02 23:27:34 $