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Athlete Testimonials

by boiron on December 31st, 2009

Boiron’s homeopathic medicines are used by everyone, including athletes, who rely on their health for peak performance. Read about the experiences of a few athletes with homeopathic medicines.

Runners Using Oscillococcinum

Two runners on the forums hosted by Runner’s World discuss the positive effects of Oscillococcinum for flu-like symptoms below.

In one experience, a runner took Oscillococcinum as soon as symptoms began and felt better in just a couple of days.

“People around me had the flu for 2 weeks, and I was better in a couple days,” this runner said.

Another runner recommends Oscillococcinum to a fellow runner, saying:

“It’s a natural flu remedy that I have had very good luck with. You can get it at Walgreens, or any drugstore. If it’s not the stomach flu, go get some today and start taking it right away!!!”

A Surfer & Basketball Coach

Articles on sports news site mention the healing role of homeopathic medicine in the lives of various athletes.

In an article titled Scout’s Honor, Australian surfer Claire “Bevo” Bevilacqua talks about how she treated a leg injury with “a variety of homeopathic remedies.”

A story about the Detroit Pistons boasts that the basketball team’s strength and conditioning coach, Arnie Kander, “is regarded as a guru by the Pistons because of his innovative techniques and successful results. He earned a traditional degree in physical therapy but also uses naturopathic, homeopathic, holistic, energetic and Eastern medicine approaches.”

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