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Homeopathy Resources

by boiron on October 21st, 2009

Do you want additional information about homeopathic medicine and all that it has to offer? Below is a list of resources that can help you learn more.

Professional Associations

  • American Institute of Homeopathy
    Established in 1844, the AIH is the oldest national professional medical organization in the U.S. The institute strives to promote the public acceptance of homeopathy while safeguarding the interests of the profession.
  • National Center for Homeopathy
    This is an open-membership organization whose mission is to promote health through homeopathy. Homeopathic practitioners can be found through this site.
  • North American Society of Homeopaths
    NASH is a membership organization for professional homeopaths, students, schools and homeopathy supporters. It strives to promote and represent professional homeopaths and to enhance the role of the homeopathic profession as an integral part of health care in North America.


  • Boiron
    A worldwide leader in homeopathic medicine, Boiron has a 75 year history of high quality, safety and reliability.. The Web site includes an array of homeopathic information, including a history of the practice and details about its growth today, as well as up-to-date research information and more.


  • The Family Guide to Homeopathy (by Alan Horvilleur)
    This book is designed to help non-physician readers become familiar with homeopathic medicines. Information is listed alphabetically and includes points on each medicine, the type of symptoms associated with the medicine, as well as the indication for its use.
  • Natural Baby and Childcare, Healthy Living Books (by Lauren Feder, M.D.)
    This book guides parents to the best conventional and natural medicines for their children. It also provides an A to Z guide on treating common childhood conditions naturally.

This list is just a small part of all that’s available on homeopathic medicine, but it puts you in the right direction to learn more about an exciting treatment.

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