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Nip and Tuck Secrets of the Rich and Famous

by boiron on August 2nd, 2010

Millions are doing it, but nobody is talking about it. Botox. Fillers. Lunchtime lifts. Tummy tucks. Even as cosmetic procedures become more accessible and more publically accepted, they’re still generally kept hush-hush. So the big question for most patients is how soon they can get back to their busy lives with no tell-tale signs, such as bruising or swelling, after having been “beautified.”

According to plastic surgeon Shirley Madhère, M.D., a reaction from most common procedures is to be expected. “Some doctors say their work won’t ever cause bruising or swelling, but that’s not realistic. If you’re getting an injection, there is always a potential for bleeding and subsequent bruising to occur. It’s natural to have a little bruising some of the time. It’s the body’s expected response to the trauma on the skin. Fortunately, there are ways to possibly avoid and definitely minimize the duration of bruising and swelling.”

As a cosmetic surgeon with an active practice in two New York City offices, Dr. Madhère endorses a “whole body” comprehensive approach to surgery, acknowledging beauty from the inside out, and she is willing to share with us some secrets that her fabulously discreet clientele have relied on to recover faster after “having a little work done.” She says, “I’ve had a greatly positive experience using my holistic approach to help my patients look great after their procedures and natural enough to fool even their make-up artists and close friends.” Check back later this week for Dr. Madhère’s must-dos for healing so you can keep your public guessing too: Does she, or doesn’t she?

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