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MA - Requirements

2.1 General

2.1.1 Housing schemes (including Supported Housing) involving the delegation of any housing management responsibilities to a statutory body (e.g. local authority, health authority) are ineligible for grant.

2.1.2 However, where RPs are commissioning another (non-statutory) organisation to provide services, they must do so in writing. The services to be provided must be clearly defined in the contract, as must the cost to the RP of receiving the services.

2.1.3 The contract for the provision of the services must be finalised and signed in time for the service provider to mobilise their resources to be able to deliver the services at an appropriate level of quality at the handover date.

2.1.4 The Agency does not provide a model management agreement.

2.2 Supported Housing Issues

2.2.1 As noted at 2.1.1, RPs cannot commission statutory bodies to provide housing management services to their residents. However, in Supported Housing schemes, RPs may decide to enter into a support agreement with a statutory body to ensure the non-housing needs of tenants are met.

2.2.2 Such support arrangements must be based on a written agreement that sets out the responsibilities of each party.

2.2.3 The agreement must address the issues of performance review, procedures to be followed in the event of breach of the agreement, and have provisions for termination by either party.

2.2.4 Where the arrangement involves a division of staff working in the scheme between two or more employers, RPs must ensure that the agreement clearly states the responsibilities for the employment and management of staff, and include clear details of reporting lines.

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