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Finance - Funding Conditions

2.1 General

2.1.1 The Agency’s affordable housing programmes are subject to Funding Conditions, and:

  • The Framework Delivery Agreement (for schemes being delivered under the AHP 2011-15) or
  • The Programme Partnering Agreement (for schemes being delivered under the AHP 2011-15).

2.1.2 These conditions include a requirement that RPs follow the Agency’s published criteria, procedures and audit arrangements as set out in the Affordable Housing Capital Funding Guide for all scheme/programme  submissions, (re)forecasting milestones, scheme variations, use and recovery of grant.

2.2 Acceptance of Funding Conditions

2.2.1 RPs continuing to develop schemes under the Agency’s NAHP 2008-11 or the 2011-15 AHP must formally accept the Agency’s Funding Conditions that apply to that programme. This will require a Board decision and RPs must retain a minute of the Board’s decision on file for compliance audit purposes.

2.2.2 Funding Conditions can be signed off in IMS by the organisations Security Administrator or any other user with the 'Funding Conditions Sign Off' authority assigned to their security profile.

2.2.3 RPs will not be able to make a submission of any kind into IMS until this confirmation has been made.

2.2.4 Please follow the link to view the 2014-15 funding conditions.

2.3 Consequences of Breaching Funding Conditions

2.3.1 The Agency may impose penalties including changes to the level of funding provided for a scheme or terminating the scheme if forecast milestones are not met.

2.3.2 Where RPs fail to comply with these Funding Conditions or if there is any cause for serious concern about the RP's performance or financial viability, the Agency reserves the right to suspend funding. This may trigger grant recovery.

2.4 Acceptance of the Framework Delivery Agreement

2.4.1 RPs developing a programme of schemes under the Agency’s 2011-15 AHP must formally accept the Agency’s terms and conditions as contained within the Framework Delivery Agreement (FDA). This will require a Board decision and RPs must retain a minute of the Board’s decision on file for compliance audit purposes.

2.4.2 Signing the FDA will be deemed as acceptance of the Agency’s terms and conditions.
2.4.3 RPs will not be able to claim grant unless the FDA has been agreed and signed. They can get interim grant tranche payments.

2.5 Breaches of the Framework Delivery Agreement

2.5.1 As with a breach of Funding Conditions the Agency may impose penalties including changes to the level of or suspension of funding if its terms and conditions as outlined in the FDA are not met.

2.5.2 Where RPs fail to comply with terms and conditions as set out in the FDA, or if there is any cause for serious concern about the RP’s performance or financial viability, the Agency reserves the right to suspend funding.  This may also trigger grant repayment (plus interest where applicable) as outlined in the FDA.

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