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What Is Homeopathy?

by boiron on October 19th, 2009

Homeopathy uses red onions to clear up watery eyes from allergies, coffee to help you calm down, and honeybees to treat hives that string. Sound interesting? It is! Keep reading!

Homeopathic medicines are used to treat acute health conditions such as allergies, coughs, colds, flu, stress, arthritis pain, muscle pain, teething, and more.

Homeopathy’s History

Homeopathy has been around for a long time! It was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago from the work of German medical student Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann was critical of the dramatic and harmful methods that were being used to cure disease at that time, including purging and bleeding. Determined to identify better treatments, he ultimately developed the two main principles that embody the study of homeopathy today.

“Like Cures Like”

The principle first is known as the Law of Similars, or “like cures like,” an idea that can be traced all the way back to Hippocrates. This principle says that the very substances that cause symptoms in a patient can actually cure the diseases that have these symptoms.

Hahnemann did more than just study to establish this law. He conducted experiments—on himself, as a matter of fact!

During one of these experiments, he ingested cinchona bark, which at the time had been used as a treatment for malaria. After eating the bark, he developed the same symptoms as those of malaria!

It was this experience that led him to the conclusion that treatments must be able to produce similar symptoms in healthy people as the symptoms of the diseases they treat. In other words, he reasoned, if a substance (like the cinchona bark in the experiment) could cause disease symptoms in a healthy person (like Hahnemann), then tiny amounts of that substance could cure a sick person with similar symptoms.

Actually, the word “homeopathy” comes from the Greek words homeo, which means similar, and pathos, which means suffering or disease.

Safe Low Dilutions

His second principle is known as Hahnemannian potentization. Sounds a bit complicated, right? It’s not. Just think dilution.
Hahnemann believed that a treatment needed to be reduced to infinitesimal levels through multiple dilutions. This belief partly evolved as he witnessed the harmful effects of the toxic substances used during that period. The scientist aimed to reduce the potentially dangerous effects of a treatment, while at the same time retaining their power to treat the disease.

What is the reasoning behind this? The homeopathic belief is that the substance leaves behind its imprint, or essence, which stimulates the body to heal itself.

And here is where we come to a key point in homeopathic medicine: Experience has shown that, despite the very high dilution of the active ingredient, the therapeutic effect remains.

From the Past to Today

Hahnemann went on to train others, who were impressed by these principles and spread homeopathy throughout Europe and the world beginning in 1810. Also contributing to the spread of homeopathy were the catastrophes of the 19th century and the struggle against epidemics like cholera.

In the U.S., homeopathy has been practiced since the early 19th century and is gradually becoming more widespread in North America. Today Retailers giants like Wal-Mart, and chain drug stores like CVS and major supermarkets have all taken note of homeopathic medicines because of their successful sales in natural product stores like Whole Foods. This growth and expansion of homeopathic medicines into the mainstream shows that people are looking for safer options.

And that’s not all: Over 100,000 doctors use homeopathy in their daily practice and it is recommended by more than 400,000 healthcare providers!

Why is growth so strong?

Because homeopathic medicines have many positive qualities! First, they are reliable and safe—making them an excellent first choice when self-medicating.

The list goes on. They have no known side effects. They don’t interact with other medication. They don’t mask symptoms.

Because of these benefits and more, homeopathic medicines are an ideal first choice for parents, children, seniors, athletes and others.

Thanks for reading! Please visit again soon—There are more good things to come!

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