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Boiron Medicines Are Now On weeSpring—Share Your Thoughts!

by boiron on October 28th, 2013

Did you know that you can now find Camilia teething medicine and other kid-friendly Boiron medicines at weeSpring? weeSpring is a site that helps you share advice with your friends about baby essentials, like bottles, strollers and diapers. You can compare products within a single category or browse a trusted friend’s favorites. weespringExpecting parents use weeSpring to ask their friends about the things they couldn’t live without and find out what they wish they’d never bought, while new parents use the site to pass along their own tried-and-true advice, while continuing to learn from their friends. Click here to sign up for free today! Plus, visit Boiron’s weeSpring page to offer your own thoughts on our medicines, such as Oscillo, Children’s Chestal and Arnicare. We greatly appreciate your feedback!

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