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Celebrate National Yoga Month with a Free One-Week Pass

by boiron on September 20th, 2013

“Yoga isn’t just a physical exercise program,” according to the Yoga Health Foundation (YHF). “It is a scientific system designed to generate greater clarity and harmony in life. With a regular practice, individuals often notice a stronger, slimmer and more flexible body, in addition to a mentally sharper, more patient and relaxed sense of self.”

The YHF offers these five reasons, plus many more, as to why you should give yoga a try:

Stress relief – Yoga reduces the physical effects of stress on the body, including lowering blood pressure and heart rate, improving digestion and boosting the immune system, and easing anxiety, depression, fatigue, asthma and insomnia.

Pain relief – Yoga can ease pain. Studies have demonstrated that practicing yoga asanas (postures), meditation, or a combination of the two, reduced pain for people with conditions such as multiple sclerosis, auto-immune diseases and hypertension, as well as arthritis, back and neck pain, and other chronic conditions.

yoga group poseFlexibility – Yoga helps to improve flexibility and mobility, increasing range of movement and reducing aches and pains. Yoga also helps to improve body alignment resulting in better posture and helping to relieve back, neck, joint and muscle problems.

Increased strength – Yoga asanas (postures) use every muscle in the body, helping to increase strength literally from head to toe. And while these postures strengthen the body, they also provide an additional benefit of helping to relieve muscular tension.

Weight management – Yoga (even less vigorous styles) can aid weight control efforts by reducing the cortisol levels, as well as by burning excess calories and reducing stress. Yoga also encourages healthy eating habits and provides a heightened sense of well-being and self-esteem.

In 2008, the Department of Health & Human Services designated September as National Yoga Month to educate the public about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire healthy lifestyles. For the last four years, millions of people around the world have celebrated this national observance, and this year, the YHF is offering passes for one free week of yoga. So whether you’re new to yoga or interested in trying a new studio, click here to learn more about this great offer. And when you head to class, don’t forget your Arnicare! Arnicare Gel or Cream will help soothe those tired, achy muscles, so you’ll be ready to go back class after class.

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