Top 5 Road Trips

School will be out soon, and everyone will start to think of summer vacations, day trips, and road trips.  If you are destined to take the road, read our favorite top 5 road trip tips to help make your trip safer, happier, and easier than ever.

  • One of the first things to pack in your car is your Emergency Kit.  Not only should it include a medical kit, but also a flashlight, jumper cables, fix-a-flat, water, emergency food, and my personal favorite an emergency assistance road club card.  I have been stranded thousands of miles from home with a broken down car, and was grateful for my auto membership.  From a tire change to a tow to a mechanic, it is always worth the minimal fee to have some assurance that someone will have your back.
  • Bring an “old fashioned” map.  We are all so reliant on our GPS units, but a few weekends ago, my GPS (which was up to date)  lead me to the middle of a field!  No, I wasn’t supposed to be in the middle of nowhere, but at a convention center.
  • Know the cellphone laws!    While it is currently legal in Indiana to hold and talk on your cellphone while driving, doing this same thing on the East Coast will land you with a ticket.  And, texting and driving is never a good idea, so don’t try it anywhere.
  • Check out some travel apps for your smartphone.  One of my favorite apps is Gas Buddy.  Check out the best gasoline prices wherever you are.  Updated frequently by Gas Buddy users, you know you will find the best rate available.  Another one I like is Travel Advisor City Guides.  Get some great tips without paying data charges, since it is all downloaded straight to your phone.  Yelp!  I use this app many times to find anything from a great bar-b-que restaurant in St. Louis, to a local drugstore in Lubbock, Texas.
  • My best tip – enjoy the trip!  After all, you have been waiting for a vacation, so don’t let the stress and strain of the process sour it for you.  Take side trips to see the biggest ball of twine.  It will make memories to last a lifetime!
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