World Intellectual Property Organization

WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation.

We deliver global services for protecting IP

File, manage or search patents, trademarks, designs and appellations of origin. Not there yet? Learn all about intellectual property and how to protect it.

Alternative dispute resolution

Settle IP and technology disputes out of court using the fast, flexible and cost-effective services offered by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.

Domain name disputes

Resolve cybersquatting and other disputes relating to trademark domain names.

We shape international IP rules for a changing world

Follow policy discussions and negotiations on the future development of IP in our standing committees and meetings.

Making International IP Law

"Our challenge is to ensure that WIPO remains a relevant and trusted forum for IP."  - An interview with Director General Francis Gurry in the next WIPO Magazine.

We provide access to the world's IP information

Search technology and brand-related information in our free global databases. Download our other reference materials: publications, statistics, economic studies and more.


37 million international and national patent documents

Global Brand Database

international and national records of trademarks, appellations of origin and emblems


International marks recorded under the Madrid System


IP laws and treaties

WIPO Pearl

Find over 90,000 technical terms in 10 languages validated by experts in our free terminology database.

We help use IP for development

Learn about our global cooperation and development activities, including capacity-building and assistance to IP offices. Consult information by country. Join a Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC).

WIPO Academy

Sign up for distance learning or face-to-face courses all year round, taught by people who know intellectual property.

Download the 2014 catalogue of courses

WHO-WIPO-WTO Joint Symposium – Innovation and access to medical technologies

Geneva, Switzerland – November 5, 2014

This fourth trilateral technical symposium will look at some of the opportunities and challenges in middle-income countries.

WIPO's staff, member states and stakeholders share a common goal: an efficient and accessible intellectual property system that provides benefits to all.

Explore WIPO