Donnerstag, 10. April 2014

Inspiration Thursday: Take every chance!

Yes, at the moment I feel like I'm finally taking every chance and almost dropping every fear! I had some big chances and changes coming to me during the last months which needed a lot of courage! I was on TV for the first time in my life which really was a challenge because I'm quite shy (but I never wanted to say no to that opportunity because it felt right!), I was asked to participate in a book project (I will soon present this wonderful book here on my blog) and then I had the chance to open a new studio in a very beautiful quarter of Munich!

Certainly, the biggest chance and fear was to leave my wonderful siebenmachen group (but you can still find my work in their shop!) and start another beautiful project which had come to me when I was not really looking for such a big change! So suddenly there was a beautiful studio/shop in the heart of Munich for Anja Frida (a lovely colleague who is making beautiful jewellery) and me and it was simply impossible to say no to this opportunity!

Now we are in the middle of transforming our studio/shop into the space we have always dreamed of! Here is the vision board I made at the beginning of the year before I knew that this new place and cooperation was waiting for both of us:

You see, it's all already in there! This is truely amazing and so I continue to believe in the power of my visions and dreams! Let's see what will happen if I continue to take my chance and drop my fear...

PS.:  (a note for my local readers) Für alle Leser in und um München: Wenn du auch gerne unter meiner Anleitung dein persönliches Vision Board gestalten möchtest, dann schreibe an bea at demoi punkt de. Sobald das neue Atelier fertig eingerichtet ist, beginnen die neuen Inspirations- und Kreativkurse! Wenn du mir deine Mailadresse schreibst, informiere ich dich, wann es genau los geht!

PPS.: Hier ist die neue Adresse:

Frida's Schmuck


Demoiselle Libellule
  Kunst & Photographie

Herzogstraße 85
80796 München-Schwabing

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