Time for change in Northern Ireland

Abortion law in Northern Ireland. Time for change.

Help us give women in Northern Ireland the right to choose

Abortion is legal in Northern Ireland but 95% of women needing an abortion are stopped from having one.

They’re refused an abortion even if:

  • they've been raped
  • they've suffered incest
  • they've been given a diagnosis of fetal abnormality
  • their health is at risk from the pregnancy.

Mary's story

Told her baby was so seriously ill it wouldn't live after its birth, Mary was denied an abortion.

What happens to women?

  • Desperate women are tempted into buying unsafe, illegal abortion pills on the internet.
  • Over 1,000 women a year come to England and pay up to £2,000 for a private abortion. Others travel to the European mainland.
  • An unknown number of women are forced into continuing with a pregnancy that they can’t cope with.
  • Women face life imprisonment for having an abortion.

Think this is wrong? Take action now!

What you can do to help

More about Time for Change

Polly Toynbee“We have to end the discrimination against women in Northern Ireland which as citizens of the UK, forbids them from having an abortion in their own home country.”

Guardian columnist and leading social commentator Polly Toynbee