top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]ROKandHARDPLACE 1579 points1580 points  (16 children)

You broke up with him bc he is frugal and now you're mad bc he's loaded. Lol.

[–]Powdershuttle 343 points344 points  (4 children)

Yup. Chalk up another woman that let her friends highlight reels on fb make her over think everything and get lost in her own head. Every fucking time a friend posts baby pics or vacation pics or a new car my ex would whine about wanting that. So when you really boil it down. You let stupid shit on fb ruin the relationship you had with what could have been your soulmate.

[–]Bananapopcicle 48 points49 points  (2 children)

I'll admit I get jealous seeing some of that stuff on Facebook. But, honestly, the best nights I've had with my SO have been spent drinking and chillen on the coach watching reruns of Trailer Park Boys. Those times are worth much more than money ever could. 7 years later and no ring and I'm cool with that!

[–]onesight1 18 points19 points  (1 child)

7 years later and no ring and I'm cool with that!

wish my GF has the same mentality... you seem like the kind of girl men admire

[–]ZombieOmNom 208 points209 points  (7 children)

This Will guy has everything I want. He's the kind of guy I look up to and respect. I want to drive an old beat up pickup truck (1986 toyota hilux please), I want to wear flannel and jeans and boots and a baseball cap, I want to download movies and watch them at home rather than going to the cinema, I want to go on hikes and walks, I want to live in a modestly decorated old house where the staircase and floors creak a bit. In short, I want the simple life, full of honest good times. I want people to look at me and see who I am as a man, my values and virtues, not what I have garnered. The only thing I indulge in is motorcycles because they make me happy. If I had more money, I'd use that to give myself more free time.

The reason why I'm marrying my girlfriend, is because she loves me for who I am and for the goals I have. I want to share all of those things with her, and she can't wait. The quality between us, the spark, is all of the philosophies we share, and our desire to experience it all together. Who wants to hire a builder to put an extension on your house when you can spend a summer doing it with your wife as a project? If this was the end of the world and we had nothing, it had all been burned to the ground, we'd hold eachother and be happy.

OP, you've got a big lesson to learn in life here; life, success, happiness, none of those things are based on money. Let the good times roll while you're still alive, don't wait for some far away sunny day to come in order to start living. Life does not begin at 40 or 50 or whatever age, life begins now, in this moment. Your success, and your children's success, depends on how well you can get back up again when life has beaten you to your knees. Sure, put some money aside for them, try to work your life so that you'll have more time to raise them and be with them, but if you want those things so badly, maybe you should take some ownership over those things, look at YOURself, look at YOUR earning potential. Don't hold him up to the light as if you're expecting him to provide for all your dreams.

If you go back to this guy to tell him anything, it should be to thank him for changing your life, and giving you a new perspective. You could've gone your whole life never learning this, but now your eyes have been opened. Use this to grow as a person.

[–]ROKandHARDPLACE 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Yeah, my wife married me with all my faults.

We fell in love and love has kept us together.

Money? Not important

[–]ipoopgreatness 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Beautifully put. I share that with my wife, and we've both discovered the best thing you can have can't be bought with money:

Each other.

[–]gamakun 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Oh, snap. Great post.

[–]Nomadic_wildebeest 9 points10 points  (1 child)

And she states she's not a gold digger huh

[–]iiMSouperman 619 points620 points  (4 children)

Basically, he didn't think money mattered. You did. You lose. Get over it.

[–]I_FUCK_UP_RECIPES 618 points619 points  (26 children)

If a man with disposable income meets a woman he likes, doesn't he want to treat her?

As a man with a great deal of disposable income:

In short, no. When I meet a woman I like, I want to have fun with her. I want to enjoy life with her. And if that's not enough, then I want nothing to do with her, as I won't like her any more if that's not enough.

I'm married. My wife met me when I was a graduate student. At the time my networth was quite high (due to years of investing and financial guidance from my father), but I lived poor anyway because I wasn't making much money (except from investment income). She didn't care. So I kept seeing her. Before I met her, I met a chain of women just like you, and much like Will, when they showed their true colors I wanted nothing more to do with them.

[–]Dev_on 388 points389 points  (5 children)

it's as if she thinks the only reason we make money is to spend it on someone else.

[–]Kozen117 153 points154 points  (2 children)

'Selectively' traditional, amirite? lol.

[–]stubing 21 points22 points  (0 children)

I this case, this might be a perfect example of a women wanting her cake and eating it to, but I think we are all selectively traditional. I don't think anyone is 100% traditional or 0% traditional. We all pick and choose what we follow. We really don't know how traditional this girl is. If she is super traditional in that she cooks, clean, always has sex when ever her man wants, etc., then I think it is fair for her to look for a man that will "spoiler" her.

[–]Throwfishfast 158 points159 points  (0 children)

No shit. I want a partner not a walking talking vagina that wants to spend my money and would leave me in a drop of a dime just because it's perception of happiness and motivation surrounds money. This person is terrible.

[–]brikkwall[🍰] 77 points78 points  (4 children)

One of the best memories I have in my entire existence is when me and my ex used to get stoned on slow weekends and dub spanish soap operas to english. Neither of us knew a lick of spanish. I would do all the males and she would do the females. Price tag: 30 bucks.

[–]bigbadjesus 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I don't have money but that's what I want too.

[–]TheocratGear 493 points494 points  (55 children)

You know how men say they don't understand women? You're getting the rule 63 of that right now.

What happened is really simple: He realized you weren't the type of woman he wants he spend the rest of his life with, and so he let you leave.
Why wouldn't he want you? Because he wants the kind of woman who is happy going on hikes, watching netflix, and ignoring masses of wealth. Really.
Because to this man, to this Will, wealth is not a be-all-end-all. It's a means to an end. And as he has all the means he requires, he can get the end he desires.
And that end is to live a pleasant and relaxed life, instead of working and working to provide.

[–]NakedAndBehindYou 144 points145 points  (3 children)

What happened is really simple: He realized you weren't the type of woman he wants he spend the rest of his life with, and so he let you leave.

Actually what happened was simply that she broke up with him and he responded like an adult, by being okay with it instead of begging her to stay.

[–]kwalterb 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I think he meant that as she was breaking up with him she revealed that she needs more material things in her life and therefore he didn't try to stop her. She says that he "saw her in his future" before she came out with her true feelings about him.

[–]Socialdem 107 points108 points  (2 children)

Consider this. The relationship is over and you're upset because he didn't spend more money on you, not because you miss him.

[–]Gold_Leaf_Initiative 20 points21 points  (0 children)

WOW! Bingo.

[–]floppymammarygland 92 points93 points  (3 children)

Wow! A whole 10 months?!?!!!

[–]thefilthyhermit 101 points102 points  (0 children)

10 months. She definitely earned a pay day. /s

[–]riiiiggs 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Undeniable PROOF she's not a gold digger. The breaking up with him for not having enough money is irrelevant.

[–]Torquatus 76 points77 points  (8 children)

You mentioned disposable income. I score highly on that dimension, so I'll share some thoughts given your plea to 'make sense' of this.

Men aren't all the same. Just as women vary in their interests, abilities, experiences, and circumstances, no two men are the same. From what you've shared, Will and I are different in many ways. I don't dress casually; my suits are all bespoke, I don't wear shirts without collars, and I'm in evening attire frequently. My home isn't very low-key; I'm in a new high-rise condo in Manhattan. My cars are neither old nor mass market; they're new and exotic imports.

However, Will and I are similar in many ways. I'm also very ambiguous about my work, I don't buy people I don't know drinks, meals, or gifts, and I prefer activity dates (if I date at all) to passive dates.

You're getting a pretty harsh response in this thread. From an objective perspective, it seems justified. When breaking up with Will, you mentioned that while he was a "great guy" and you liked the intangibles he offered (companionship, personality, attentiveness, etc.), the tangibles weren't enough.

It sounds like you expected some emotion from him; you convey a sense of surprise that you received a stoic "Thanks, good to know you; bye." Will comes across as a stoic, no-nonsense man. When men like that (economical, modest, quiet) hear bad news, their stoicism doesn't magically disappear. You said you didn't want to be with him, which he accepted, internalized, and processed. With that out in the open, he no longer wanted you in his home or life.

You mention that you were surprised you didn't talk, text, or sleep together after the breakup. To some men (Will and I among them), a breakup means you aren't in your ex's life anymore. Personally, I think it's nuts to say, "Hey, I don't want to be romantically involved with you any longer," yet still communicate casually or engage sexually. It's even more absurd to hear that (be the one left) and be okay interacting vertically or horizontally. Moreover, he isn't worried about finding another; a guy that grounded (plus, frankly, wealthy) doesn't worry whether another lover will come along. He knows that he'll be fine if none does, and besides, he knows one will.

What's worst of all is that you told him that despite the fact that he treated you well and you liked him, he wasn't enough for you. You now wonder why he didn't care enough to share with you, but in his mind, he was sharing his best with you: his time, attention, consideration, affection, and appreciation.

To a man with assets (and here I speak with experience), I realize that money isn't what defines me. There are a lot of guys out there with money. There aren't a lot of guys out there with genuinely good hearts, consistently kind words, and truly beautiful behavior. I'd rather be one of the latter than the former, so that's what I try to show people.

At the same time, I'm automatically suspicious of someone who communicates (explicitly or implicitly) that I'm important to them solely on one dimension (money).

Analyzing this objectively, you weren't a good match for each other. He wants someone who will appreciate him for his character. You want someone who will provide the material pieces you've envisioned for your future life.

Subjectively, it's far easier to improve one's material circumstances than one's intangibles (intellect, character, morality, etc.). People here are treating you unkindly because you come across as shallow (benchmarking your self-worth and success by comparisons on social media), entitled ("Why won't he treat me?"), and clueless.

[–]Gold_Leaf_Initiative 4 points5 points  (1 child)

A bespoke suit sounds like a nice thing to have.

[–]KaptainKrunch 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I looked it up, it means made to order.

Only thing I get made to order are paninis...

[–]cocaine_enema 5 points6 points  (0 children)

This shit is absolute poetry. I just went through a pretty shitty break up. Thank you for spending the time to write this.

You made a stranger on the internet's day better.

[–]roofied_elephant 143 points144 points  (10 children)

proof I'm not a fucking gold-digger

Wait, really? You actually believe that after this little gem "If a man with disposable income meets a woman he likes, doesn't he want to treat her"?

Also "He could have easily kept our relationship alive by being forthcoming." So you mean like...bought you pretty much? Because at that point it's obvious that the only thing that would have kept you there would be his money.

I just feel so low right now.

Still nowhere near as low as you should be feeling. Props to Will for not falling for a shameless gold digger like yourself.

[–]vgjdflkgj 33 points34 points  (6 children)


[–]xxJnPunkxX 11 points12 points  (3 children)

I too am here 2 weeks after the fact.

[–]Omaestre 51 points52 points  (2 children)

Lesson learned, now that you know what your priorities are, you know that on the very first date ask to see his check balance, and whether he is able to buy 3 houses for you, or 4 if you want one-up your friend on facebook...

man I'd be heartbroken and mad as hell if my girlfriend was like you, its hard not to sympathize with him. You really need to figure out what happiness means to you, not your facebook friends.

[–]Blackierobinsin 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Put this comment up top^

[–]woodycanuck 393 points394 points  (12 children)

"I have Facebook and am on it every day, usually when work is slow."

So Will is the one who lacks ambition?

[–]OrangeCrow71 206 points207 points  (5 children)

Oh, she has plenty of ambition! Ambition to find another fellow yuppie wannabe to play "lets out do the Jones" with. Luckily for her, people like that are a dime a dozen.

[–]B32DB08170 47 points48 points  (4 children)

I thought the "out do the Jones" expression wasn't based on anything real until one day in car sales some baby-boomers came in. They bought a new Buick. The reason: their neighbors just got a new car and they didn't want to be outdone by them. It is quite crazy that people function in such a way.

[–]PrismOMS 12 points13 points  (2 children)

Thats horrifying. I hope you're telling lies .... please be lying.

[–]B32DB08170 16 points17 points  (1 child)

no :( The baby boomer generation has quite the indoctrination of such tendencies.

[–]buildabeast 4 points5 points  (0 children)

The 1980's we're all about "self-actualization" which is basically just being obsessed with money and basing your self-esteem off of it.

[–]arabbit1 38 points39 points  (3 children)

Yeah if she wants those things, why doesn't she get it herself?

[–]DougFane 220 points221 points  (14 children)

So you essentially broke up with a guy for not making/spending enough money, and your surprised he didn't offer to spend any money on you in return? As others have said, clearly he was just a frugal guy, and it sounds like you're upset that he didn't want to pamper you. He obviously doesn't have the same views on money that you do, so it's probably a good thing you guys broke up, but I think you're being crazy if you expected him to react any differently.

[–]NonShittyAdvice 44 points45 points  (6 children)

What the fuck is wrong with potato soup?

I love potato soup.

[–]Reddthrown 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Not expensive enough by OP's standards. It's not about how good it is, it's about the price tag. PS: I love potato soup too.

[–]muyuu 18 points19 points  (1 child)

And torrenting documentaries. Sweet stuff man.

[–]finigian 268 points269 points  (10 children)

You are coming across as greedy.

[–]_Theriac 177 points178 points  (13 children)

The same reason i hide my wealth, Because i want a woman who loves me for who i am, not what i have.

[–]GTHappy 12 points13 points  (3 children)

My now wife, then budding romance and I were laying in bed talking about past relationships and how we wanted to be treated. My one comment to her was "Don't treat me like a paycheck." I worked very hard for my education which has led to my income. It's not huge by any means, but it's more then anyone in my family has ever earned, and it allows me to pursue a hobby that I enjoy. For years it was understood that dates were mostly "going dutch" unless it was my treat. Even now, I usually pay for our meals out, but she buys all the groceries for the meals at home. I don't want someone who views me as a means to an end or an ATM. I want a partner that wants to get through life together as a team and is there with me for the good time and the shitty times.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]zirbee 156 points157 points  (29 children)

    Maybe it was a test. You guys didnt even make it a year. Could be thats who he really is. You weren't content with what he offered, so why should he offer more to make you stay? Clearly you two put your values in different things.

    He seems to be happy having someone to spend time with. You seem to be looking for someone to boast about on facebook, to match your friends happiness.

    I think it worked out in the end for the both of you. You want someone that's willing to do grand romantic gestures and go crazy with. He seems to be looking for someone who's content with staying in and having netflix marathons.

    Ever considered its about who you're with, rather than where you are? My fiancee and I use to be dead broke, sleeping on a futon in a shitty studio apartment without a working heater, but we were always happy just to have each other.

    You probably shouldnt compare your future relationships to other ones either, its not a competition. But i really can't say since I don't know you or will.

    Edit: whats wrong with a 1997 toyota?! I still drive a 1990 nissan 240sx I bought when I was 17. Lol.

    [–]KingofNUlm 30 points31 points  (5 children)

    I drive a 2001 F150 XLT. Everyone tells me to upgrade. pffff its paid off man. And I took great care of it.

    [–]zirbee 7 points8 points  (0 children)

    That car is tits. My fiance had one but she sold it for a 2009 mdx to have more room for our daughter. Great car for just about everything, minus gas haha.

    [–]Boomerkuwanga 6 points7 points  (1 child)

    I don't get this "upgrade your perfectly good car" bullshit. I buy a car, then drive it until it doesn't work well enough to meet my needs any more. Upgrading a car is installing a new stereo, or rims. I drove a 97 Forester for 13 years. Tons of people around me went through 4 or 5 cars in that time. I always got shit for my beat up looking scoob. "Dude, you can afford a new car. You should upgrade".

    But fuck that. My forester drove my wife and I around on adventures everywhere. It drove us to our wedding. It took us across the country a bunch of times. It brought my first child home from the hospital. When it started to die at 308,753 miles, trading it in was like putting my dog to sleep. I bought a new car...which I will drive until the wheels fall off too. Why would I subject myself to more or less continuous debt to replace something that works just fine?

    [–]B32DB08170 14 points15 points  (1 child)

    I sell cars. It's decent money, and I meet many interesting people, but it hurts my heart that people believe they need a new vehicle. 20k+ in debt for a "thing" seems unjustifiable to me.

    Almost all of the car salesmen I know don't drive new cars unless they're demos. They know that a new car isn't that great. It's just a thing. That money could be put towards so many better things in life.

    [–]Blackierobinsin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    Spread the word brother

    [–]albino_peregrine 71 points72 points  (13 children)

    And the thing is, I would have probably broken up with this Will guy for the same reasons she claims (lack of motivation). However, him being wealthy would not have made me regret the breakup because the problem is still there: he has no passion in life because he has all the means to get what he wants and what he wants is simple as opposed to pursuing art, a business, cooking, or whatever makes him tick.

    But, it seems like for OP this isn't the case because she regrets it now that he HAS money. OP you didn't break up with him for lack of motivation. You broke up with him because you decided he was a poor return on investment.

    Stop viewing your relationship that way. You are not "investing" for some sort of future financial returns. Relationships are not really "investments." The only return you can reasonably expect is happiness, defined as moments with your significant other, not by the number of houses or cars you own.

    [–]ipoopgreatness 8 points9 points  (8 children)

    Not sure why you've been downvoted. If your partner doesn't share your values, and in this case your values include purpose, direction, motivation, and passion... then you shouldn't be with that person, which you made clear. In your case it's not about the money, but about the person and his energy.

    [–]super-nsfw 10 points11 points  (1 child)

    I think it worked out in the end for the both of you. You want someone that's willing to do grand romantic gestures and go crazy with. He seems to be looking for someone who's content with staying in and having netflix marathons.

    Bingo. She's mad but she doesn't see why - she didn't want him, she wants his money.

    [–]zirbee 5 points6 points  (0 children)

    Idk, im pretty sure she knows why, she's just trying to convince herself otherwise.

    [–][deleted]  (3 children)


      [–][deleted]  (2 children)


        [–][deleted]  (1 child)


          [–]GVSU__Nate 59 points60 points  (8 children)

          I'm a man with a high amount of disposable income and I come from a family of means so to speak.

          I've dated women like you before. Everytime the conversation starts heading towards "why don't you spend more money to make me happy" or "It's weird that you still make me pay for my things (drinks, etc) given that you're so much wealthier than I am"...I break up with her on the spot. Just did it about two weeks ago with another women.

          Dating me does not entitle you to knowlege of my financial situation or a portion of my money. If you think so, you're dilusional.

          Sure, I may have a high income but sometimes all I really want to do is grab a case of PBR and shoot the shit with the boys instead of taking you out for $20 cocktails.

          You don't like riding around in my 2004 car? Ok, get out then.

          [–]onesight1 8 points9 points  (0 children)

          i commend you. jesus christ this entire blog has made my eyes open on HOW I AM AND WHAT I WANT IN A GF.

          [–]Nurial 28 points29 points  (1 child)

          Holy shit you sound like an AWFUL person.

          [–]cdb03b 239 points240 points  (11 children)

          I ended the relationship. I was perfectly honest about everything - he was a great guy, I loved him and his personality, but I felt he lacked career/life ambition and we wanted different things for the future. He sat and listened to everything, seemingly unmoved by it. When I finished talking, he said "fine by me" and asked me to leave. I went to hug him on my way out, instead he just guided me out the door and slammed it shut behind him.

          Just so you are aware, his reactions are not someone unmoved by it. They are the reactions of someone who has basically had their heart torn out and are in shock. You have very deeply wounded him and rejected him completely for his seemingly being poor. It is perfectly natural that he is not willing to speak with you at this time. He may never be willing to talk to you again.

          [–]atlantis145 17 points18 points  (3 children)

          Can confirm (sorry for coming into this late, just felt I had something to contribute here).

          Girlfriend of 2 years dumped me in my car after a date night. I sat in shock and silence for most of her speech, she asked me "Did you want to say anything...?". My reply was: "Not much to say I guess", she left, and haven't spoken a word to her in over a year now since. Probably came off as aloof or uncaring, but in reality I was numb from the shock, went home to my cat and tried to piece together what was left of my heart.

          [–][deleted]  (6 children)


            [–]JonnyLay 34 points35 points  (5 children)

            It still hurts to find out such a thing after wasting 10 months.

            [–]procyon112 12 points13 points  (2 children)

            That depends on whether he views the time as wasted.

            When I watch a movie, I don't lament when it ends. I simply enjoy my 2 hours and when it's over, it's over. I can look back fondly on the good time I had. This is because my goal is not to tie this movie down and have it be the last movie I will ever watch. I didn't "waste" two hours, I enjoyed two hours.

            When I have a relationship with a woman, if she ends it for whatever reason, it's over. I don't go lamenting the fact that it's over. I didn't waste my time with her, I had a great time! If I wasn't having a great time, I would have ended it sooner. But when it's over, it's over. There are plenty of other women to go have a great time with next.

            [–]FishInhaleTheirPee 7 points8 points  (0 children)

            for some breakups that is true for some it isn't. in hindsight it isn't even about if the breakup was friendly or ugly it's about if the person you loved was who (s)he told you. if the person you loved was a lie it devalues even the good times

            [–][deleted]  (3 children)


              [–]Leon_Soma 6 points7 points  (2 children)

              TBH two houses and three cars(previously four) does sound rather lavish to me anyway although my perspective is somewhat skewed.

              But good for you for not telling a partner as the first thing out of your mouth, way too many trust find babies use the money and end up with horrible people who are only there because of the cash regardless of wether or not they can get some access to it.

              [–]proclutch 2 points3 points  (1 child)

              I said it was in a trust but should have explained. It's only in a trust when both parents die. The children have no part of the money prior to that point. It's being put in a trust specifically for the reasons I outlined. It's too easy to have it stolen by scammers and ex spouses should never get any inheritance. Even if it's gotten after the marriage.

              [–]SergeantR 20 points21 points  (0 children)

              If a man with disposable income meets a woman he likes, doesn't he want to treat her?

              That's how I train my dog. I expect my wife to be her own person. You have some serious reevaluating to do. You're a terrible person.

              [–][deleted]  (2 children)


                [–][deleted]  (1 child)


                  [–]SelfReconstruct 19 points20 points  (1 child)

                  From what I'm reading, he still lacks career/life ambition. So why do you care unless you are a gold digger?

                  [–][deleted]  (1 child)


                    [–]Rylingo 59 points60 points  (13 children)

                    I was perfectly honest about everything - he was a great guy, I loved him and his personality, but I felt he lacked career/life ambition and we wanted different things for the future. He sat and listened to everything, seemingly unmoved by it. When I finished talking, he said "fine by me" and asked me to leave. I went to hug him on my way out, instead he just guided me out the door and slammed it shut behind him.

                    He was clearly not unmoved by it. From his point of view, he made you food and you proceeded to list a large number of things you find insufficient about him before breaking up with him. He felt hurt so he didn't want to hug you and slammed the door.

                    With prior boyfriends, we'd still talk or text a bit after we'd be broken up. Sometimes we'd even still hook up. I dunno, I've just never had a 'bad break-up' and always try to remain on good terms. I haven't heard a fucking word from Will, even after texting him multiple times and calling him once.

                    I wouldn't say it's a bad breakup really. Different people react in different ways. He doesn't want to be friends with you, that's all. He doesn't want to text, talk or have sex so don't try to force your old style of breakups on him.

                    He has a 'if it aint broke, dont fix it' type mentality. Just look at that piece of shit he drives!"

                    Which is how he felt about your relationship. He liked how it was and saw no reason to change things. You wanted something more, which is perfectly reasonable. Too me it looks like you did the right thing in breaking up. Also how much money he has now is irrelevant to you. He is a frugal person and that isn't going to change. Let sleeping dogs lie and move on. Stop trying to restart contact and stop justifying yourself to his friends.

                    [–]Dev_on 24 points25 points  (3 children)

                    would have been better if she would have talked to him for 5 minutes before making her decisions.

                    instead she expected him to fill the fantasy of that guy she daydreams about.

                    [–][deleted]  (8 children)


                      [–]catcooker 12 points13 points  (0 children)

                      I can understand feeling like you were incompatible with this person. That someone who seems undriven, lazy, and with no goals in life just isn't who you want to spend your life with. Even if I was rich, I couldn't just sit around at home all day doing nothing. Without a job, I would volunteer, travel, or even just do all the fun free things in the city if I was super frugal. So I can understand just not feeling like you could spend the rest of my life with someone completely fine sitting at home and only watching netflix while you enjoy getting out and seeing things.

                      But the reason everyone on this thread hates you and is calling you a gold digger is the fact that as soon as you heard he had money, you wanted to be back with him. That it actually wasn't about you 2 being incompatible and that you were active and motivated while he was lazy and had no goals. It turned out to be that you only wanted to keep up with the Joneses while this guy didn't give a shit about who the Joneses even were.

                      Remember that money doesn't create the man. You don't have to flaunt money to live a great life. You can live very frugally and experience a lot of incredible stuff. And you can spend a lot of money and really not experience anything. Breaking up now seems to be exactly what you both needed because you are incredibly incompatible.

                      [–]Alxrockz 13 points14 points  (0 children)

                      He dodged a huge bullet. If you want to have a lot of things. Work for them, don't just expect others to give them to you. He played it perfectly IMO.

                      [–][deleted]  (3 children)


                        [–][deleted]  (2 children)


                          [–][deleted] 53 points54 points  (0 children)

                          It's his money and his lifestyle. Quite frankly he is very intelligent and a smart financial planner to not throw his money around. He was clearly also smart for not spending it on you if you need to be pampered by a guy in a relationship. The truth is that you basically failed his test and now you are angry. He didn't want to find some girl who was in it for the money. The reality is he likely wanted to start a family as well with the right person who would help raise his kid with good values. You say you want a family but the reality is you just want someone to buy things for you.

                          He is going to find an intelligent woman who sticks by him regardless of how much money he has, who wants to live a simple lifestyle that isn't materialistic. Good for him. You say you aren't a gold digger but the truth is you meet the definition to a tee and that is blatantly obvious to anyone reading this.

                          [–]Foggen 25 points26 points  (0 children)

                          It's like Beauty and the Beast, except you're the Beast and he's the Enchantress.

                          [–]iagovar 26 points27 points  (0 children)

                          WOW, cannot believe yout attitude.

                          [–]leveldrummer 12 points13 points  (2 children)

                          This isnt about money, this is about lifestyle. He wasnt the type of person you could live your life with. And it is going to kill you the rest of your life dwelling on the money you let slip away, even though it never would have been yours. Best advice I can offer, forget it. Pretend he was the poor person you thought he was, and move on, find that goal driven person and move along.

                          [–][deleted]  (1 child)


                            [–]upinyabax 11 points12 points  (0 children)

                            In the end, he had money. Doesn't mean he was going to spend it on you...obviously. He's frugal...and that's ok.

                            You wanted something that, as far as you knew, he didn't have.....and that's ok, too.

                            He could have easily kept our relationship alive by being forthcoming.

                            = you would have stayed if you knew he had money. Why? Honestly, that does make you sound a little, (read that as a lot), gold digger-ish.

                            You're both better off without the other.

                            [–]CostaDelicata 12 points13 points  (1 child)

                            Apart from you crying over your own shallowness, let's take a scenario in which you did speak to him instead of downright dumping him, and he said but I don't need to work ... my Websites (Plural yea!) earn enough to keep me in good supply.

                            And from there things progress, and you get married in a modest ceremony based on his frugality, or even in a nice family do on the oil fields ...

                            I smell an iron clad prenup. None of what is his, would ever, EVER be yours. Not in this world, not in the next. Because at some point you would divorce him, because 10 years down the line he still plays his guitar and teaches the kiddos to play too, and he watches home movies on some new kind of device, and that is never going to be enough for you ... he now drives a 2010 Toyota Prius, or a Honda Fit ... so you divorce him, and after 10 years of being a stay-at-home mom, you are faced with needing to start a job, or career ...

                            It happens every day.

                            [–]ikarka 70 points71 points  (22 children)

                            To be honest, it just sounds like you two weren't that compatible. He doesn't care about money, whereas it is obviously important to you. He happened to inherit money, but it doesn't change his personality and make him suddenly want to spend it.

                            Basically the money is an irrelevant factor. Even if he had said 'by the way, I'm loaded', I doubt he would have changed and started spending, so you'd be in the exact same position. Break ups suck, but I think this one was for the best.

                            [–]zirbee 18 points19 points  (0 children)

                            I think you hit the nail on the head.

                            [–]Mike12344321 11 points12 points  (0 children)

                            If you broke up with him because he was poor, you obviously didn't love him for being him.

                            [–][deleted]  (6 children)


                              [–]apullin 20 points21 points  (1 child)

                              I'm not a fucking gold-digger

                              compared with

                              Three weeks ago, after seeing a girl I knew from high school buy her 3rd property with her husband, it felt like my relationship with Will was juvenile and had no future.

                              This one needs some internalization. Deep, deep internalization.

                              [–]OrteilGenou 5 points6 points  (0 children)

                              That and considering marriage, children, etc. as "accolades" is a bit much.

                              [–]Neodit 8 points9 points  (0 children)

                              There's only one thing that should be obvious to you by now, he wouldn't change how he was for you, because you (probably) led him to believe that you were fine with it, and with your outburst, he probably felt you were just leading him on. Plus not having a talk about it and directly breaking up is a sure fire way of him going no contact with you. I know I would do that, and I don't blame Will here for doing the same thing.

                              [–]mghow 10 points11 points  (0 children)

                              You did the guy a priceless favor by dumping him.

                              [–]leave_reddit_now 9 points10 points  (0 children)

                              hahahahaha. sweet sweet justice.

                              [–]Evil_Advocate 20 points21 points  (0 children)

                              You're a gold digger.

                              [–]erikpurne 8 points9 points  (1 child)

                              Out of curiosity, did you not make enough to support the lifestyle you wanted?

                              If not, isn't it your fault for not being "money/career motivated" enough?

                              [–]Locastor 28 points29 points  (1 child)

                              Disclaimer: Only one X chromosome, but I also have prospects of inheritance

                              Will was most likely raised to be frugal and thrifty, and more critically, to conceal his money.

                              When families cross a certain threshhold of wealth (call it $20M US), the focus switches from the accumulation of assets to the conservation of an enduring financial legacy. It sounds like OP's boyfriend has internalized this very deeply.

                              As for OP, I'd advise her to move on. It's almost certain that "Will" is going to carry on driving the Toyota and living in exactly the same house for the next 50 years (for reference, Warren Buffet mows his own lawn and his diet primarily consists of onion cheeseburgers and Cherry Coke), so it sounds like their views of money are fundamentally incompatible.

                              [–][deleted]  (5 children)


                                [–]r0botdevil 19 points20 points  (0 children)

                                If you're really looking for someone to help make sense of his actions, I can offer two possible explanations that are in no way mutually exclusive...

                                1. He doesn't think money is a big deal. He enjoys living a simple life and doesn't want to change.

                                2. He knows that a lot of women are on the hunt for a man with money. He wants to be sure that any woman he ends up with is only with him because she loves him and not for his money, so he doesn't tell girls about his wealth, at least at first (ten months is not a very long time to date someone).

                                Whatever the case is, it's clear that you both want different things out of life and you shouldn't try to force a relationship. This breakup was for the best and you both need to move on and find someone who's a better match for you.

                                One thing I've got to ask, though... what mundane job do you have that allows you to spend so much time on facebook every day? It honestly doesn't sound like you're very career motivated yourself, to be honest.

                                Also... I'd love to head to this dude's house with a case of beer to drink and play guitar all night. He sounds like someone I could really get along with.

                                [–][deleted]  (1 child)


                                  [–]Cragvis 17 points18 points  (1 child)

                                  You say you loved him. Thing is, love doesnt matter if hes rich or poor. the fact you were unwilling to venture into the 'unknown future' with him simply because you loved him, means you didnt love him at all.

                                  Thats what a relationship is. Going through life, not knowing how things will turn out, but still having eachother because you want to be with that person, rich or poor.

                                  You were prodding him, trying to change him based on what you saw, hoping he would go out and try to get rich for you so he could buy you 3 houses like your friend had.

                                  You left because to you, he was poor. Now that you found out he has money, you are fuming because you could have had it if you were truly in love with him.

                                  You are, in fact a gold digger.

                                  [–][deleted]  (4 children)


                                    [–][deleted]  (6 children)


                                      [–]mysterioussydney 6 points7 points  (0 children)

                                      He was looking for an "end to a means" in you and you were looking for a "means to an end".

                                      You bascially wanted him to provide you more and he wanted you to stay the same and be the person he fell in love with. Who loved who?

                                      Two people wanting different things.

                                      [–][deleted]  (4 children)


                                        [–]zholmes 7 points8 points  (0 children)

                                        This is a very simple equation. Some people like to hide their wealth so that people don't treat them differently. If Will went out to bars telling everyone that he inherited millions of dollars and is set for life, he would have some of the lowest scum hanging off of him.

                                        He's looking for someone who likes him for who he is. He's not interested in playing the Facebook one-upping game. You are. Not that either one is right or wrong... maybe it's best that you parted ways.

                                        Yes he hid something from you, but in the end there is a 0% chance that he finds the person he is looking for if he is more up front about his wealth.

                                        [–]getfuckingreal 7 points8 points  (0 children)

                                        What exactly do you do for a living? If you wanted money and things, why is he the one that's supposed to provide it?

                                        [–]dudesyouknowme 6 points7 points  (0 children)

                                        I'll explain it to you very simply:

                                        He is/was living the life he wants to leave. You didn't like the way he lived his life so you left him.

                                        That's the way things should be.

                                        Now you are pissed off because if you knew how much money you had you would have spent time trying to change him so that you could get him to be the kind of guy who would spend a lot of money on you so that you could compete with your friends on facebook.

                                        [–]bohmapik 9 points10 points  (0 children)

                                        He clearly doent tell people about his wealth so he can avoid the wrong types of people i.e. you.

                                        [–]Jsizzle80 8 points9 points  (0 children)

                                        PLease help explain his actions? Don't you mean your actions?

                                        [–]Handsome_Hunk 15 points16 points  (1 child)

                                        Amazingly shallow thread, many lulz had by me, incredible display of lacking self-awareness. Very interesting case study.

                                        [–]sardineman 9 points10 points  (0 children)

                                        It really does show how much awareness she lacked. A dude that owned his own house and didn't have to work for a living?

                                        That screams rich, especially at that age.

                                        It's like she thinks there is a magical fairy that hands men houses and gives them money if they don't want to work a "real" job.

                                        It's the other way around. Poor people work for a living because they have no choice. Rich people work when they want to because they don't need to.

                                        [–]Invaliddt 13 points14 points  (0 children)

                                        You are a gold digger. That is literally exactly what you are.

                                        [–]sanslumiere 7 points8 points  (0 children)

                                        I just don't understand why you wouldn't have a conversation about what he saw for the future (to gauge whether you were on the same page) rather than just dumping him for not showing enough ambition. That just seems like bad communication to be honest.

                                        [–]volcomsnow909 4 points5 points  (0 children)

                                        HAHA you deserve everything youve done to yourself. Stop being so concerned about money and material things. If you actually loved him and wanted to be with him, you wouldnt be so concerned with what hes doing. Maybe theres a better question. What am I doing with my life that makes me so special to be able to prod someone elses life. Stop being all about FB and the stupid things your obviously concerned about. You need a LONG look in the mirror.

                                        [–]Cyrino420 6 points7 points  (0 children)

                                        Even if you would have stayed with him, your views on how to use the money would have been conflicting.

                                        [–]420bangkok 5 points6 points  (2 children)

                                        Wealthy people generally do drive old cars and live in ancient houses.

                                        Only those for whom money is a new toy, the new rich, want others to visibly see their wealth, and publicise their purchases.

                                        You do not seem to understand how people who are used to having money behave, how they think and what they have been raised to believe.

                                        Hence I would say that you are not well partnered to this man.

                                        Probably best that you find a partner who is more aligned with your views on wealth.

                                        [–]OrteilGenou 3 points4 points  (0 children)

                                        "and other various accolades" sweet Jesus...

                                        [–]ranman1124 11 points12 points  (0 children)

                                        [–][deleted]  (2 children)


                                          [–]hobelife 10 points11 points  (0 children)

                                          lol you deserve it you gold digger. he was lucky to get the fuck away from you.

                                          [–]BrothaTom 5 points6 points  (0 children)

                                          It's one of those things where she doesn't think that's a gold-digger move, even in light of others thinking it is. Totally reminds me of those who claims they don't judge others, just because they borderline judge others under a different banner.

                                          But really, she wasn't the type of girl he was looking for. This would have worked itself out if she was.

                                          [–]erikpurne 2 points3 points  (0 children)


                                          This is the best thing I've ever read.

                                          [–]R3dTim 9 points10 points  (2 children)

                                          I had a lot more written but deleted it. Here's the summation of your story lady and why you deserved this:

                                          You've just been dating since New Years 2014, and yet you say you can't date someone indefinitely. Get a fucking grip.

                                          You say your friends are doing X and Y and Z. I'm sorry, explain to me again who you're living your life for and why you're allowing your life to be controlled by what people are doing around you?

                                          You say after a normal relationship you would still talk to people -- and yet you admit he's shy and clearly not a normal dude given his money and still being super frugal.

                                          Uh. You're an idiot and immature and you deserved this.

                                          You broke his heart. You deserve nothing better, and the fact you're trying to get back at him now that you've found out he has money just further solidifies it in his mind that he needs to keep that hidden from short-sighted, superficial women like you who are CLEARLY all about "the accolades" and other superficial, meaningless shit.

                                          It sounds to me like he truly cared about you and liked you, and you threw that away because ... why... your friends would judge you? smdh

                                          [–][deleted]  (1 child)


                                            [–]Gutterlungz1 8 points9 points  (1 child)

                                            I'm sorry OP, but you're shallow as fuck. You deserved it.

                                            [–]Zubalo 7 points8 points  (0 children)

                                            This just sounds like a compatability issue. He wanted someone who enjoyed the easy going cheap life and you wanted money. Sorry I mean you wanted someone who makes lots of money and gave it to you.

                                            [–]foamster 7 points8 points  (0 children)


                                            You got what you deserve: Nothing

                                            [–]thetalkingmushroom 8 points9 points  (0 children)

                                            think of it this way, if he let everyone know he was rich, people would just suck up to and be false with him. This way, he can see people's true character. You left him for very shallow reasons. He's better off without you if all you care about is status.

                                            [–][deleted]  (1 child)


                                              [–][deleted]  (2 children)


                                                [–]ANGRY_TWAT 5 points6 points  (0 children)

                                                hahahaha OP. I am laffin at these comments. Definitely not what you expected, eh?

                                                [–]DwwwD 3 points4 points  (0 children)

                                                Hahaha I fucking love it.

                                                [–]AK_HAZE 4 points5 points  (0 children)

                                                Was it potato and leek? If he forgot the leeks I could understand...

                                                [–]Chernibogg 4 points5 points  (0 children)

                                                You want help making sense of the situation? He wanted a girl who was real and had depth, you weren't either of those, and the funny part about it is you showed him how fickle you were before he could find out for himself.

                                                [–]lightssword 2 points3 points  (0 children)

                                                Lol Oh lawd this is some good stuff! Before me and my then-boyfriend got married I told him even if he was a penniless actor looking for gigs I would love him no matter what. When we got married and moved to a new place alone, we first had been jobless together and not even sure how to stay in our apartment past the first month! But we're all settled in now. I love him more than how much he makes or is worth, or even if I make more than him, coming home to him is the best part of my day, oh gosh :D!

                                                [–][deleted]  (1 child)


                                                  [–]IMR800X 4 points5 points  (1 child)

                                                  That's how people who don't start out that way get to be rich. By being frugal. Funny how that works.

                                                  [–]sqwirlmasta 5 points6 points  (0 children)

                                                  HAHAHAHA! You don't deserve him.

                                                  [–][deleted]  (5 children)
