
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Intel collectibles location guide

The long-running shooter series is back for its yearly appearance, and as with previous instalments Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare features a set of Intel collectibles to track down throughout the single player campaign. There are three laptop-like devices to be found in each of the missions, making a total of 45 Intel items to grab for the Ferrum Absconsum Achievement / Trophy.

Some of these units are pretty well hidden, so to save you backtracking through levels we've put together this guide to take the leg work out of searching. Head through the following pages and your collection will be complete in no time.

Table of Contents:


  • jhsparky - November 12, 2014 2:43 a.m.

    Thanks, big help. Extremely well done.
  • alex-roy-bristol - November 5, 2014 3:01 p.m.

    Not to trivialize your great detective work here! Superb work as always team!! :D
  • alex-roy-bristol - November 5, 2014 3 p.m.

    I feel as if, not 100% but I can tell you when (IW's) Call of Duty started to become less about fun. It was when getting collectables did not unlock cheats, and there was no more score/arcade mode. Just saying, I really miss that. It was my favorite part of MW1. That and the fact that it was an fps action game, not an action game with a first person view and guns

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