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Dracula: Untold (2014)

dracula-untoldHoS rating:

  • Eloise = 8 / 10;
  • Raoul = 8 / 10;



The origin of the legend of Dracula or how a Roumanian king known made a pact with the devil to defend his country and family.


Horror-on-Screen Review (by Raoul):

Dracula: Untold is thankfully not yet another remake of Bram Stoker 1897’s novel. Instead, it audaciously attempts to retrace the origin of the legend, and does so with success in an epic story about Kind Vlad the Impaler and his pact with a dark and evil creature.

I found that movie to be solid on pretty much every level. The fights are really amazing, especially during large battles. Dracula has the ability to turn into a herd of bats at will and makes great use of it to fight its way through hordes of Turkish soldiers. The computer-generated effects are superb and the feelings of the battles worthy of a Transformers movie.

Thankfully, Dracula: Untold is not only a great action movie, it also has a good story. As in most American movie, family is at the center of it all, which makes it a little predictable, but the very dark atmosphere and dramatic tone make up for that easily. Luke Evans (No One Lives, The Raven) is really a great actor and this role as Dracula will probably just strengthen his already pretty good reputation.

Whereas action/horror super-productions tend to disappoint horror fans these days (World War Z, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, I, Frankenstein, etc.), Dracula: Untold stands as the exception. It has been contentiously done and the finish, perfectly polished and well-paced, is extremely enjoyable. One of the good surprise the year!






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