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Piranha (1978)

HoS rating:

  • Dylan = 8 / 10;
  • Eloise = 6 / 10;
  • Raoul = 6 / 10;
  • Simina = 6 / 10



A woman detective investigating on the disappearance of a young couple accidentally releases genetically modified piranhas in the local river.


Horror-on-Screen Review (by Raoul):

Piranha is one of the great classic of horror, but unfortunately one that does not have much interest apart from its very original concept (at the time at least).

The scenario and the characters are lame like in so many mainstream movies from the 80’s. Seeing the old school looking fish is yet very funny, but gets really repetitive after a few times. The movie is still worth a watch because of a couple of absolutely great scenes. The first one features dozens of kids on rubber rings that gets eaten by hordes of piranha. The second one is the same with teenagers, expect that lots of them gets actually eaten (unfortunately the kids don’t get eaten in that movie, ahah).

Recommended to horror fans…newbies might find it a little boring.





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  1. Avatar of YanguiThePoo
    March 14, 2013, 6:21 pm

    Piranha is one of those movies that I used to watch when I was a kid, and it really entertained me!

    The story and characters may be typical of a 1980′s movie, but what I like most, is the piranhas themselves. They’re actually realistic, probably because of the lack of special effects! If you compare to the Piranha 3D (2010), I totally prefer the old piranhas to the new monstrous alien looking piranhas!

    It is an entertaining movie, a classic in the “creature” genre!

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