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Waterford Heath

A locally rare open habitat in Hertfordshire, where grizzled skipper butterflies feed on wild strawberry.

Waterford Heath is a former sand and gravel quarry north of Hertford. Quarrying ceased on the site in the early 1990s and work was undertaken to restore it to create a 'community nature park'. It contains a range of habitats including grassland, scrub, plantation woodland and a small area of ancient, semi-natural woodland. The reserve is important for its populations of grizzled skipper butterflies, which feed on the abundant wild strawberry. Skylarks and willow warblers are known to breed on the site. In the autumn and winter fieldfares and redwings are regular visitors.


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Nature reserve map

Reserve information

Vicarage Lane, Waterford
SG14 3LU
Map reference
TL 318 150
Best time to visit
Apr - Jul
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Opening Times
Open at all times

Open at all times.
Walking information
Conditions are easy and the site is generally relatively dry.
Reserve car park on Vicarage Lane.
Dogs allowed
Reserve manager
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust
Tel: 01727 858901